The Link Magazine
Linking the villages of - Somersham, Willisham, Offton and Flowton - Suffolk
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Reader, In days gone by, the village had everything - the plumber, tailor, cobbler, cooper, wheelwright, joiner, catering for every local need. A village was an entity and even today, villagers co-operate closely and know one another well. If that's not true when people move in, they gradually adapt to how things work in that particular village as distinct from the one down the road. That it will be distinct, you may be sure. In two villages I visited last year, not in Suffolk, their thousand- year feud had its legitimate outlet in the cricket. Within their own village, people feel safe and are known. If someone is not around for a while, others will ask where they've got to. A young member of my family was describing a village he really likes, some four or five miles from his home. "What makes it a good village?" I asked. "A pond" was the instant reply. The list extended to trees to climb (by the pond), food of an unusually wide range in the shop, and then to the Tarzan-type amenities on the playing -field. But the pond is where any of them can see who else is there, prop up their bikes, and exchange observations on life in general. A shared sense of community is something we experience as we trust in God's love for us. We may not know the other people, but we can see God's character being formed in their lives. As we worship Jesus Christ, there is an inevitable drawing together of those who are being made more like Him. God creates community, gives rise to family likeness. We speak of 'the
global village' where it's impossible not to know what's gong on, far
around the world. In community, may we be sure where we are known and
looked-out-for, each and every one. From The Registers: Welcome to: Freddie Edward Steward, son of Peter & Helen Steward of Griffin Hall, Bricett, who was baptised in Offton Church on 18 May 2003. Jade Molly Smith, daughter of Dean and Helen, who was baptised at Somersham Church on 1 June 2003.
Vera Margaret Mee (aged 80 years), of Brookway, Somersham, whose funeral took place on 3 June 2003.
Mother's Union Once again Miss Dorrell
has been kind enough to invite us all to her home in Ipswich for our meeting
on Wednesday, July 9th. We will have our Wave of Prayer service and, as
usual, Joan will give us the latest news of her international work amongst
young people. And if the weather is kind, we will be able to have a wander
in her lovely garden. Transport will leave Somersham at 1.40 pm.
6th July Third Sunday
after Trinity Green 13th July Fourth Sunday
after Trinity Green 20th July Fifth Sunday
after Trinity Green 27th July Sixth Sunday
after Trinity Green
Festival June cleaning Team C
July 13, 20, Mary
Carter June cleaning Mr and Mrs G Watkins
July 6, 13 Mrs Leita
Minns June cleaning Mrs Langford
July 6, Mrs Fisher June cleaning
as above Somersham Church Notes Many thanks to everyone who supported Christian Aid Week by leaving their envelopes at designated collection points. Nearly £108 was sent off to Christian Aid from Somersham.
After a delightful
evening visit to the woodland gardens at "A Place for Plants"
in May and to three gardens in Willisham in June, the Gardening Club returns
to the Village Hall on July 14th at 7.30pm to hear guest speaker Ric Staines
telling us how to make the most of plant propagation. Somersham Football Club We held our AGM in
the pavilion on Wednesday 15th May.
It was agreed that
match subscriptions should remain the same for the coming season and travel
expenses and arrangements continue as at present. Training for the coming
season will start on Tuesday 15th July at 7.30pm. Last season training
sessions lasted throughout the season with an average of 14 at each of
the 47 sessions.
Congratulations to them all, and to all the players of Somersham FC. There were also presentations or thanks to Ray Smith (training & fundraising), Rachel Knock (bar), Jan Nielson (Laundry), Sandra Ottaway (arranging dinners & helping with admin.) and Julia Smith (helping with Race Night). The formalities over with, the disco carried on until 1 am. Most people can even remember going home afterwards. We have a new sponsor for next season. Andy Hawes, owner of the Limeburners pub, has agreed to buy the club a new strip, so one of our team will be playing with "The Limeburners" emblazoned on the shirts. Thanks Andy. Well, that's it! These will be my last notes for the club. I don't have any day to day involvement now, apart from marking out the pitch, so next season Allan Chester, who has played for the club for several seasons and is the players' representative, will take over. I shall be marking the pitch for the last time next season, which will be 50 years since I first played for the club. Enough is enough, although I shall still be keeping an eye on them from the touchline. Dennis Mumby
SOMERSHAM PARISH COUNCIL Website: Somersham Parish Council July 2003 Councillor Posts The Parish Council is still in need of new councillors. If you: Please contact the Clerk to the Council, for more information on how to become a councillor. Annual Parish Meeting Notes The Annual Parish Meeting was held on Wednesday 7th May 2003 at 7.50 pm. Brief notes of the meeting follow: Chairman's Report
County Councillors Report
District Councillor's Report
Police Report
Somersham Town Land Charity
Please contact the Clerk to the Council, if you feel you could benefit from a donation from the Somersham Town Land Charity A copy of the full minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting can be obtained from the Clerk to the Council, or from the Parish Council website. Thank You Thank you to all of the members of public who attended the Annual Parish Meeting in May. I hope that the website presentation was very informative, and if anyone in the village has any ideas on how to improve the websites in the future please contact the Clerk to the Council, and I will be happy to look into it. ******************* Parish Council Meetings Our next Parish Council meetings are on:
It is very important that the people of the village get involved as much as possible in the running of the village, so attending the meetings is a very worthwhile thing to do, you can help the village move forward.
Hope everyone had a good time at the Summer Fair? It's that time of
year where we have to say goodbye to the Year Sixes; they are off to Claydon
High, probably without a backward glance, which is, actually, what we
want. One of our jobs at Somersham is to prepare them for their next big
step in life. So, "you lot", work hard, be good to your new
teachers and most of all have fun. We shall miss you (or will we?) If you did come to the Summer Fair you will have seen the strange goings on the field. The mounds you saw were made from the spill from the new playground, these are going to form a natural play area for the children. It has been planted with native flowers and grasses and hope to make a copse of hazel, mountain ash, guilder rose, damson and crab-apple. This will also make a natural habitat for insects, the study of which is a part of the children's' curriculum. Who on earth you may ask is taking on this task? Well, a huge thanks must go to Rebecca and Ed Downie, Paul and Hayley Marsburg and their team for all the hard work. It might take a while before it looks anything but will be wonderful when it does. While we talking about it, where the pond was will be a butterfly garden. Lovely! F.O.S.S. While I am writing
this the Summer Fair hasn't happened, but here's hoping the weather was
as beautiful as always and everyone had a wonderful afternoon. We have just had our first Bingo session. It was a big success and we hope to hold another one before the end of term, watch out for the posters. To finish this school year we shall be holding the annual Leavers Disco with the Year Sixes as guest of honour. We wish them lots of fun in their new venture. Thank you to everyone who has helped in any shape or form in the last school year who has helped FOSS raise the much need funds for the children of Somersham School.
THE STARS - Somersham CSC The Stars are still
seeking their first win of the season after a haphazard start to the season.
At At the tiny Hethersett track we were again shorthanded but the 110-54 scoreline hid some good performances. Andy Mittell had a great race holding off the challenge of former British Champion Phil Howells, while Barry Copping showed he is finally learning to ride a tight line. This completed a good weekend for the Somersham pair as both were selected to race for East Anglia against the Midlands. New signing Ray Pike
made a promising debut at Kesgrave, but the Stars rarely ride this track
well Our round of the East
Anglian Grand Prix was well supported with 56 riders enjoying the summer July is a busy month
with home league fixtures on the 1st (19:30), 6th (11:00) and 8th (19:30).
Anyone you can contact us
via (01473) 831474, e-mail
or take a look at the
Notes from your
Community Police Officer I write these notes having spent the afternoon instructing a Cycle Safety Course at Somersham Primary School; hopefully I will be able to say next month that all those taking part have successfully completed the course. All children should be made aware of the dangers that can await them whilst cycling on both busy and quiet country roads and how to ensure that they do not put themselves and other road users at risk. But before your child goes near a cycle, let alone the road, please ensure that the cycle is safe to use. Too many children are riding cycles with brakes that either only just work or maybe don't work at all, or seats that are too high or low. Don't wait for your child to tell you as they may not know anything is wrong. Spend a few minutes checking your child's cycle; it may save their life. On the crime front
I have 2 events to tell you about: On the complaints front the topic of the moment seems to be the moped riders around Somersham, Flowton and Offton. To those of you with mopeds or scooters, or with youngsters who ride them, please ensure that you comply with the Highway Code at all times; don't ride around in large groups - it is dangerous, and don't ride aimlessly around residential areas. It may seem like fun to you but causes annoyance to residents. A word of warning - if you should have "L" plates make sure they are there and visible. If you have bought your son or daughter such a machine, please ensure that they use it responsibly and as with cycles, make sure the vehicle is roadworthy at all times. By the time this is published we will be in the middle of the village fete and open garden season. Please make sure your property is secure as these events can attract unwelcome visitors looking for insecure properties or vehicles. Also a reminder that if you take your dogs to any events don't leave them in the car - on a hot day temperatures can soar and your dog may not survive it. If it is reported, entry WILL be gained to ensure the animal's welfare. If you know anything
about the incidents mentioned in these notes please contact me on 01473
613500 Suffolk Police Headquarters or 01473 383390 Stowmarket Police Station.
Flowton Church News New Church Signs Dates for your
Christian Aid Thanks to everyone in Flowton who contributed so generously. The sum of £157 was raised.
Gordon and Frances Southgate would like to thank everyone who helped and supported their coffee morning for Sue Ryder Care. A wonderful total of £349 was raised.
Unfortunately our appeal for more members has not been successful and, as such, Somersham Brownie Pack will close at the end of this term. The pack was officially registered on the 12th March, 1969 and since then scores of local girls have been enrolled as Brownies. For many years we have had a full Pack of 24, with a long waiting list, but during the past two or three years the numbers have fallen and we are no longer viable as a unit. Hopefully, at some time in the future, Somersham brownies will be able to re-open and the tradition for Guiding continue in the village. Frances Gilson Evening Walk
Coffee Morning Willisham Church
Guide Church Fete - Saturday
19th July
Church News ' The extension to Offton Church (affectionately known as "Harry's Room") was built in 2002. This was made possible through a wonderful gift from Harry Crick who died in 1999 having lived for most of his life in the village. Many parishioners and others gave generously to complete this project.The extension was dedicated on 25th May 2003 by Archdeacon Terry Gibson.' FESTIVAL of TALENTS On Sunday 11th May Offton Church was filled to capacity. The occasion was "The Festival of Talents". There was such a wonderful display of talent by people of varying ages. The Festival included recitations, the playing of many different musical instruments, singing by the Choir and solo singers. There was also audience participation during the rendering of the Offton Song. The applause which greeted each and every turn was truly deserved and everyone enjoyed the whole Festival. Paul Chapman (whose wife was described as a 'gem' in the Offton Song) brought the proceedings to a close by playing "We'll Meet Again." Thanks go to all who
put in such effort to make it so enjoyable. Another thank you
- Festival of Talents. May I thank all who took part; Irene Potten has
written about the event (above) and I just hope that many of you will
be prepared to take part again. Many thanks to
everyone who supported Christian Aid Week by leaving their envelopes
at designated collection points. £51.12 was sent off to Christian
Aid from Offton.
The Audit Commission's appointed nominee, Lubbock Fine, have finally got round to approving the Council's accounts for the year ending march 2002. The new notice board
for Willisham is to be kept locked, but David Tingley will put up local
notices if they are pushed through his letterbox.
The first Offton Drama club took off on June 2 with a great start. The 18 people of mixed ages and experience worked well together to make some really good improvised work. There certainly seemed to be enough enthusiasm to continue on a regular basis and so the village hall has been booked again for Monday 7th July. If you would like
to take part please simply turn up on the night. In addition to some further
improvisation we hope to start work on some scripted scenes.
Flower Festival and Open Gardens 2003. As part of our contribution to the weekend the chapel will be open from 3-5.00pm on Sunday 6th July with teas and cakes being served. Battisford Praise and Worship Group will be joining us for the afternoon with music and song. There will also be an opportunity to find out about family connections with Somersham Baptist Church in the past 175 years and survey our graveyard records. Do come along to what we hope will be a pleasant and enjoyable afternoon. You are also very welcome to join us for our regular meetings as follows: Regular meetings (excluding Sunday 6th)
* Junior Church for School Years 1-6.
Women's Fellowship
2.30pm Friday 13th June. Children and Young
People Yr. 1-6, Wednesday
Club 6.30pm. Christianity Explained: Six sessions, which deal with Jesus, Salvation and becoming a Christian, to find out more contact Mark. Somersham Baptist
Church, Chapel Lane, Contacts; CHURCH
SERVICES in our 8 linked parishes July 6th Third Sunday after Trinity
July 13th Fourth Sunday after Trinity
July 20th Fifth Sunday after Trinity
August 3rd Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Page last updated: 25-Feb-2009 |
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