The Link Magazine
Linking the villages of - Somersham, Willisham, Offton and Flowton - Suffolk
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July 2002 Over the past weeks of Golden Jubilee celebrations we have remembered the Queen's dedication to duty and her resolve to continue serving our Nation and Commonwealth. Many of us will have made our own commitment to renew our efforts to serve our local communities, Nation and the World in whatever way we can. We
have had our own celebrations of the Queen's Jubilee with the Jubilee
Fête at Willisham yet to come on July 13th. May we look forward to the future with renewed hope, vigour and enthusiasm. Mary Carter, Reader
to :
to: We wish them long and happy lives together
Hello, Now the summer is upon us, just remember your neighbours if you are having a party in your garden; try not to upset your neighbours by having loud music late into the night. With a lot of us going away on holiday, leaving our homes unoccupied for weeks at a time, we must ensure that our homes look occupied to prevent them being broken into. Don't leave empty milk bottles on your doorstep and remember to cancel the milk. Don't forget to let your local Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator aware so that they can keep an eye on your house whilst you are away. Just remember to make your house look occupied even though you aren't there. Crime
in our area:
I have mentioned previously that bogus callers have been operating in our area. You will be pleased to know that due to the fact that more members of the public are phoning us if they see someone they are not happy with, the average number of bogus callers in Suffolk has decreased from 30 to 15 each month. You will be pleased to know that in May 2002 there were 10 arrests made in connection with these crimes. Finally, do you know where your children are during the holidays and during he light evenings? Who are they playing with at this exact moment? If they are playing on scooters or cycles are they safe? Have they got a cycle helmet and if so are they wearing it! Keep
safe. From the Link Team: During half-term children were skateboarding and scooting down Monk's Hill, being watched by others reportedly as young as three years old. Please make your children aware that this is a public road and that as they have no brakes on these toys it is a dangerous activity. Again
during half-term, children were seen lying on the downhill slope on the
road through Flowton. Drivers approaching from one direction would not
have been able to see them. The
Police have been informed of these activities. Flowton News Jubilee
Celebrations Church
repairs Flowton PCC will meet on Thursday July 11th at 7.45pm in Flowton Vestry.
It's that time where we again say "good-bye and good luck" to the Year Sixes for their next big adventure in life -High School. We think, no, we know they are ready for this step and will do themselves proud. So keep your chins up, believe in yourselves, and most of all enjoy the opportunities that will be coming your way. Here comes the best bit Happy Holidays everyone!
Thank you to everyone who has helped raise money for Somersham School this year. It is really appreciated by both the committee, the school staff and the children. In the new school year we will update you on how the money has been spent. While this is being written the school fair has not yet been held, so let's hope the weather was good, the helicopter came and was a huge success and that you enjoyed your cream tea and had a thoroughly good time. We are thinking all the time of new ways to raise money and also using some old and trusted ways. If you have any ideas we would love to hear from you; we can't promise anything but all ideas will be taken into consideration. F.O.S.S. would like to wish all the children a happy and safe summer holiday. See you in September!
SERVICES in our 8 linked parishes July
7th Trinity 6
July 14th Trinity 7
July 21st Trinity 8
July 28th Trinity 9
Website: Parish
Councillor Vacancies If you wish to find out about these vacancies or apply then please contact the Clerk to the Council. Directory
of Clubs and Societies If you run a club or society or are a local contact for a national organisation and would like an entry in the directory, please provide the following details to the parish clerk: ·
Name of club or society We would also like to create an on-line version of this list, if you do not wish to appear on this list please let us know when you send in your details. Community
Car Service Children's
Activities Also, Wendy wants to hear from volunteer children who would like to be involved in a new mural for the bus shelter. Please contact the Clerk for contact details for Wendy Warner. Golden
Jubilee Mugs We have a limited supply of extra mugs so can sell these on a 'first come first serve' basis to anybody wishing to have extra mugs for family members. An extra mug costs £3.00. Next
Parish Council Meeting If you wish to pass on anything to the Parish Council, in the way of problems or questions then please contact the Clerk. Andrew
Thank you to those of you that have returned questionnaires about the Community Internet and Training Club idea. However I would still like to have more questionnaires returned to ensure that the idea would be viable. If you haven't returned your questionnaire yet then please do so, by returning them direct to me or the people also shown on the questionnaire you have. If you just wish to register your interest with the idea without filling in a questionnaire please do so by contacting me. The idea is looking hopeful and with a few more interested people I would hope that the club could be started. If you would like any more information then please contact me. Thank you for your support. Andrew
Mayhew Somersham Cycle Speedway Club The season is now well underway but the Stars have found a busy month of South East league fixtures a tough challenge. The continued absence of injured Richard Williamson has been difficult to cover but the squad are battling away and the less experienced riders are developing nicely. This
was demonstrated in the successful staging of the British Junior League
round. Daniel Hodge was unbeaten in the Under-8 group, Andrew Turnbull
on the Under-10's, Andrew Mittell was runner-up in the Under-14's and
Luke Hodgkinson came third in the Under-16's. Additionally Mittell, Turnbull
and Hodge were all chosen to represent Suffolk in test matches In
team action, we won at lowly Gt. Wakering in the British Team Championship
70-108. Newcomer Hodgkinson was man of the match picking up a splendid
maximum. No hopes of another lucky draw in this knock-out Our best performance though came when least expected. With a weakened team due to unavailability, we travelled to East London expecting to get slaughtered. However, heavy rain had created a mud bath type track and Somersham really mastered the energy-sapping surface. We lost out 93-82 due to lack of riders, but overtaking by Somersham riders in almost every race created a highly entertaining meeting. Few team fixtures are scheduled for July but contact us for details of our open practice sessions. you can contact us
via (01473) 831474, e-mail
or take a look at the
British Institute for Brain Injured Children BIBIC would welcome your old mobile phones for fund-raising re-cycling. They may be left with Diane Jessop at 5 Watering Close, Somersham. OFFTON and WILLISHAM PARISH COUNCIL Appointment
of Chairman Willisham Next
meeting Pip
Sands Somersham Baptist Church Just as you thought it was safe to switch the telly on after the World Cup, here come the Commonwealth Games in Manchester to interrupt your regular viewing. The Commonwealth has been built upon the remains of Britain's Imperial past. One of the stated purposes of the Commonwealth is to achieve a more equitable share of international wealth. The first Church shared the same design, a pooling of resources for the benefit of all. The present Church has travelled a long way since then, but it looks like we were moving backwards. Those first Christians, took out of their Jewish culture the underpinning social support that the synagogue provides and met each others needs out of their surplus. (Check this out in the New Testament book of Acts, chapter 2 verses 44+45,chapter 6 verses 1ff) In the recent past the Church has opted out of its responsibility to support the needy and has as a consequence become irrelevant to non-churchgoers. However did we lose touch with Jesus, who met the needs of those he encountered and gave up even life itself for the Church. We need to remember that all our gifts, wealth and abilities are to be used in service of each other and not to indulge ourselves. When the Apostle Paul teaches about Spiritual gifts even these are 'given for the common good'. (1 Corinthians Ch12, verse 7). If we only practised what Christ demonstrated and taught, a real commonwealth, that would surely better place the Church in our society and provide the evidence to support the message of Jesus' life transforming power.
Junior Church 10.45AM Every Sunday for School Years 1-6. Ladies
Meetings Children
and Young People (Held during term time) Christianity Explained: Six sessions which deal with Jesus, Salvation and becoming a Christian, to find out more contact Mark. Somersham Baptist Church, Chapel Lane, Somersham, IP8 4QE
We are holding a Summer Garden Party / Fete on Saturday 31st August. There will be transport to and from the fete at Park Farm House for those who would find walking up the hill difficult. Please let Pat Woolhouse, Christine Jarrold or any PCC member have any donations to stalls, raffle, etc. A Harvest Supper will be held on Friday 20th September, when we hope friends from the other seven parishes of the benefice as well as Somersham will spend an enjoyable evening together. See adverts for more details of these two events. If there is anyone prepared to help occasionally with the grass cutting in the churchyard, Denis or John would be extremely pleased to hear from you!
WILLISHAM CHURCH NOTES As The Reverend Linden Fletcher takes up her duties as Priest-in-Charge of Willisham and the seven surrounding parishes, we wish her every happiness in her new Ministry. We would, however, like to thank everyone who has taken services for us during the interregnum, especially those who came on a regular basis, Barry Middleton, Alan Taylor, Nora Daniels and Mary Carter, and to Roger Dedman for sorting out the services so efficiently. Coffee
Morning Church
Fete - Saturday 13th July EVENING WALK After some unpromising weather, 6.00PM on Saturday the 25th May was overcast but dry. Approximately forty people met at the bottom of Willisham Hill and were divided into two groups, lead by John Minns and Richard Last. Walking sticks were provided, together with very helpful information sheets. The route was approximately 5 1/2 miles, taking us to Crow Hall, Tarston Hall Farm, Bonny Wood, Round Wood and Strawberry Hall and back to Derrick Hill. We were fortunate to have Richard Cage in our group, who spoke about the coppicing work being carried out in Bonny Wood. Also, being a much quieter and better behaved group, we actually heard the Nightingale! The walk ended with a marvellous selection of refreshments, provided by Leita Minns and Jenny King. Our thanks to John Minns for organising such a splendid and successful evening, and to Richard Last and Leita and Jenny for all their help. A total of £205 was raised for Willisham Church.
Are you finding it difficult to get out and about? Somersham Parish Council have recently been working with Rethink Disability Transport Service to enhance the Mid Suffolk Community Car Scheme in the Somersham area. Volunteer drivers transport local passengers. The drivers are paid out of pocket expenses of 35p per mile, of which 26p per mile is paid by the passenger and 9p per mile paid by Suffolk County Council Environment and Transport. A number of Somersham residents have recently joined the Community Car Scheme as volunteer drivers. As with all Rethink Disability Volunteer drivers they will soon have completed Community Car Scheme Driver Training and a simple medical screening questionnaire just to check they are fit to drive! Rethink Disability Transport Service also has a wheelchair accessible car, based in Stowmarket, for those people of Somersham who need to travel in their wheelchair, this is also charged out to the passenger at 26p per mile. Anyone young or old, with or without a disability may ask to make certain journeys for which neither a family car nor any form of suitable public transport is available. However, journeys for work, school, day care and hospital appointments where NHS or other public transport is available cannot usually be accepted. The drivers will soon have completed their training and be ready to start driving, so if you would like to get out and about, to visit friends or need to get to the doctors, dentist or optician, why not give us a call and see if we can help you with a journey. More
Somersham based drivers are still needed to make a difference, so
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