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Linking the villages of - Somersham, Willisham, Offton and Flowton - Suffolk
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Jake was one of them. He drove a white car. It seemed quite big when delivering to the crowded streets of London but not so big at the transport cafe. The van was old and slow but he had got used to that: did not like to be hassled. One morning, he was driving in one of those road works that goes on for ages, with speed cameras and very few people working, when he got hassled. It was a 7.5 tonner driving right up his ... . He could see the driver in the mirror; number one haircut, tattoos, menacing. Jake fired off a random prayer asking God to save him from this road hog. To his amazement, an answer came back, no. "What do you mean, no," retorted Jake, "normally there is no response at all, at best, yes, never no." "The answer is still, no." "Look God," Jake said, "you obviously don't know this bloke. I know where he lives: scruffy place, wrecked car, abandoned washing machine in the garden and his kids - well. He is certainly a person I do not want to be associated with." "That is just the point," said God, "you expect me to show love and justice to you even at your worst, and anyway, his wife has already prayed to me asking if I could look after him. She has four children under six, no money and he is the only breadwinner." Jake hardly needed to look in the mirror: his tormentor filled it; mouthing obscenities, sticking his finger up and yet Jake felt responsible for him, just for the moment. If that man went too fast he may loose his licence, and his job. Jake drove at about 40, adjusting when near the cameras, did not want to appear too good. End of works in sight. Everyone speeds up. He passes Jake, flashing lights, horn, finger up. Jake did not care, for he had helped him and his family through that bit. You shall love your neighbour, the good book says. Until now, he never knew what it really meant. Thank you God." No answer. "Well what do you expect. " He muttered. "Things are back to normal." He drove on, filled with heavenly thoughts, until an overdressed 4x4 cut him up. That really rattled Jake, he hit the horn, flashed the lights and started shouting and God, who had not really left him, smiled at man's fickle nature.
From the Registers: Congratulations to: Sharon Wood and Shane Price who were married in Somersham church on December 7th 2002. We wish them many happy years together Farewell to: The ashes of Charles Alfred Johnson, late of Marshmoor Park, Offton, were interred in Bricett churchyard, beside those of his wife, on December 14th 2002. The ashes of Mrs Hedi Johnson were interred in Somersham churchyard on January 4th 2003. May they rest in peace
Christine and Brian
would like to thank everyone in Somersham who knew and helped our mum,
Mrs. Hedi Johnson over the years, especially, since Fred died.
9th February Green 16th February Green 23rd February Green **************** It seems a long time ago now but all who shared our Christmas lunch in Flowton Vestry look back with the greatest of pleasure and gratitude to everyone who provided such an excellent meal. The catering team was masterminded by Mary Carter and ably assisted by friends locally who cooked meat, Yorkshire puddings or vegetables in their ovens at home and rushed them into the church to be served. Mary and Judy had prepared the tables beforehand and the vestry was warm and festive and everyone enjoyed an excellent meal and a lovely occasion together. The warmest of thanks to Mary and everyone who helped by cooking or serving or providing transport. Our February meeting will be on Wednesday, the 12th at Gunn's Farm and transport will leave Somersham at the usual time.
Somersham Flowton February 2, 9 Mrs
February 2, 9 Mrs
Fisher The answers to the Christmas Quiz will be in March's Link magazine. Thank you for all the gifts taken to the Toy service. These were taken to the Ipswich Women's Aid, who were very grateful for them. The Flower Festival
& Open Gardens Weekend 2003 will take place over the weekend of 5th
and 6th July 2003, with a Cheese and Wine evening on the Friday. If you
would be prepared to open your garden, or run a stall, game or refreshments
in it, please let Pat Woolhouse know (831080).
Every year the Parish Council must set their budget for the forthcoming Financial Year. This was done at our last meeting in January, and below is what the Parish Council decided: Administration Council Property Section 137 Loan Repayment Council Projects The total planned Parish spending is: £11484 Minus £1000 for Pond Restoration, which is already in reserves, and minus £200 estimated bank interest. This gives us a budget of: £10284 This means that the Parish Council Precept for 2003/2004 will be £10284, which means that there has been NO increase from this year's precept (2002/2003). The Precept requirements will now be sent to Mid Suffolk District Council, who will then add this to the Council Tax along with their charges, Suffolk County Council's and the Police Authority's charges. Electoral Role There has been a change to the Electoral Register, which now means that there are two registers. The Full Register gives the names and addresses of all registered voters and is updated monthly. This register can be viewed by anyone, but cannot be copied. The Edited Register allows registered voters to withdraw their name from it. This register is available for general sale, which means marketing companies and other organisations will be able to use it. To remove your name from the Edited Register you can do one of two things: Tick the box at the bottom of the next Electoral Register review from Mid Suffolk District Council, which says you do not wish to be on the Edited Register. Contact Mid Suffolk District Council, Electoral Services, who will tell you how to take your name of the Edited Register. More information on this can be found at Mid Suffolk District Council's offices, on The Electoral Commission's website: or at the Parish Council's website. Future Meetings The next Parish Council meeting is to be held on Wednesday 5th March 2003, at 7.30pm in the Pavilion.
Address: 21 Morgan
Court, Claydon, IPSWICH, IP6 0AN
Somersham Parish Council Need You Somersham Parish Council is a vital link between our community and local, regional and central government. Parish Councils are being consulted more and more on key issues that affect rural communities and they can influence the district and county authorities that provide our services. Somersham Parish Council needs more residents to join the team of councillors. At the moment there are three vacancies. The time you spend at it can be very light, the minimum expected is to attend a bi-monthly meeting having considered the agenda in advance. For those who wish it, there is the opportunity to get involved in community projects. There has probably never been a better time to get involved and to make a difference. If you would like to help please contact the Andrew Mayhew, the Clerk to the Council, who will be able to give you information about being a councillor and how to help the Parish in general. Contact Details: Andrew Mayhew Tel: 01473 834035 HADLEIGH CHORAL SOCIETY Rehearsals for the Society's spring concert began at the beginning of January, in the Drama Hall, Hadleigh High School, Hadleigh from 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm. The Choir will be performing Elgar's Music Makers and Alan Ridout's Canticle of Joy on Saturday 12th April at St Mary's Church, Hadleigh. If your are interested in joining us please contact the Secretary, Peter Sankey (Tel: 01473 822872) for further details. 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Somersham W.I. "Speaking with confidence" is just one of the workshops open to WI members to enable them to expand their horizons. We at the Somersham WI have lots of fun so why don't you come along as a Guest for £1.00 admission and see what we are all about. Our next Meeting will be held at 7:30pm Somersham Village Hall, February 3rd where our guest speaker is Jan Armitage - subject "Creative Memories" Gillian Wilson (01473) 658782 SOMERSHAM & DISTRICT ROYAL BRITISH LEGION At the A.G.M. held on the 8th October, 2002, at The Barking Fox, no member came forward to fill the position of Secretary. The Chairman stated that he would inform all members in writing and call a meeting on 12th November 2002. This meeting was unsuccessful and, therefore, the Chairman announced that, as of that date, the Branch would cease to exist. He would inform the Country Office accordingly. All members would like to express sincere thanks to Mr & Mrs E Burroughes, who have worked endlessly for the Branch over the past twenty years. Many people in the area will miss this charitable organisation. Lance Corporal
Our new term is now well under way, but for the first time since the Pack was started our numbers have dropped from twenty four, plus a long waiting list, to under half that number and no waiting list. If this situation
continues Somersham Brownies will no longer be viable and will have to
close. If any girls aged between 7 and 10 years, from Somersham, or the
surrounding villages, are interested in joining, please contact Frances
Gilson on 01473 658387.
On behalf of the club members a very big thank you for your very kind response for help with our Autumn / Christmas Fayre - to all who gave draw prizes, gifts to sell and those who came on the day to support us. We have made £300 profit so far, there may be a little more to come. We meet fortnightly beginning the New Year on January 14th at 2.30 pm. If there are people in Somersham and surrounding villages who would like to join us, we would be pleased to see you. No need to be of retirement age, just needing a cup of tea and a chat. Also if anyone has
any talents or hobbies, any exciting or disastrous Again thank you for all your kindness and a happy New Year. Betty Game (Secretary)
We're getting there
- very slowly - but things are improving. We're not going to win any trophies
or promotion this season, but there are definite improvements over the
last two seasons. We have a reasonable number of players, mostly local
youngsters who, if they keep together, should be reaping dividends in
a season or two. Our results this season haven't been very good, but performances
and commitment have improved and we ought to manage to keep our present
status in divisions 3 and 6. Forthcoming home matches for February are: Feb. 1st Reserves
v The Chequers SPORT IN SOMERSHAM - REALISING THE DREAM During the completion of our Community Action Plan the people of Somersham were asked their views on sports facilities and use of the playing field. The response encouraged the Community Association (who are responsible for the playing field) to set up a project team to look at what could be done. The project team have established a wish list of facilities that could give sport (as well as play) in Somersham an enormous boost. In brief, the wish list involves enlarging the playing field by approximately 30% and adding an arena that has an all-weather playing surface. The enlarged playing field will make it possible for additional field sports and the arena would be an all-year round facility accommodating sports such as netball, basketball, hockey, roller hockey, volleyball etc etc. Our playing field
could become a tremendous benefit for both adults and children and save
people having to travel to enjoy these facilities. We know there are plenty of people in the village keen on sport and we need all those people to come forward. This appeal is aimed at young people and adults. Perhaps you are a parent and want to help your children access a sport more easily. Please get involved by contacting any of the following: Terry Fordham - Tel
831529 Mike Shelmerdine - Tel 831661 REMEMBER - NO SUPPORT NO DREAM!
************** New Year Greetings have been received from the people of Challain la Potherie to the people of Somersham. Bonne Année et Bonne Santé we are wished. Their news also continues with the promise of a visit during the first week of May 2003. At present the idea is that they will arrive here on Thursday evening, having taken a trip around London on the way to Somersham. Visit Cambridge, Ipswich or Norwich on the Friday. Spend Saturday with their Somersham hosts and then return home on the Sunday. We will await further confirmation that this is a definite date, but it looks promising. Following our last two very successful exchanges we look forward very much to receiving our French guests. Anyone wishing to be a host, or wishing to participate in the visit in any way, is warmly invited to contact one of the following: Gill Fordham: 831529;
David Haughton: 831511; Janet Hodge: 832296; F.O.S.S. The SCHOOL CHRISTINGLE at St Mary's Church, Somersham on 13 December was a very enjoyable evening for children and parents alike. A Collection was taken in Church which raised £74.31 in aid of The Children's Society. CAROL SINGING around
the Village on 16 December - F.O.S.S. would like to thank all the people who donated so generously to these two events and we hope that you enjoyed them as much as we did. A total of £152.31 has been sent to The Children's Society. COMING UP SOON -
There will be a fuller
report next month on F.O.S.S.'s activities. Somersham Baptist Church My Valentine Under the apple tree
I roused you;
Valentines Day is a challenge for lovers to rise to, but it also serves to challenge the nature of our relationship to God, is it a true relationship of love? * Song of Solomon
Ch 8 verses 5b-7.
Preaching (Communion
1st Sunday)
thing to notice is that the name at the end of this article has changed.
Diane Porter your previous Community Police Officer has moved on to other
things and I am sure you all wish her well. I am PC Kevin Shields and
will hopefully be your CPO for some time to come. To introduce myself
I have Moving on to events of the past couple of months. Flowton - Sometime
during the first week of December a resident had the locks smashed of
a shed but in this case nothing was taken. If you have any information regarding the above crimes please contact me on 01284 774341 ( voicemail ) or 01473 613500 That is all the reported crime in the area but I also receive complaints of a non crime nature. This month I would ask you all to keep your dogs under control and ensure thay cannot run loose. Your dog could a serious accident or injury if not properly looked after. As we enter the new year we have had our first spell of snow and ice for some time. it would appear that many drivers have forgotten how to deal with it. Please ensure that ALL your car windows and mirrors are clear before you drive off. Even if you are only going a short distance it's far enough to have or cause an accident. There have been too many cars about with half cleared windows and you can receive a fine. Also on the same subject don't leave the car unattended on the road or drive with the engine running to thaw it out. On the road it's an offence and on road and drive you run the risk of it being stolen. Duties permitting
I will be visiting parish council, neighbourhood watch, schools, youth
clubs and anywhere else I may be invited. I hope to see many of you in
due course.
Are you interested?
We are planning to hold a fete in Flowton churchyard on Sunday June 29th between 2pm and 4pm. Later, at 6.30pm there will be a service of Songs of Praise in the church. There is also a whisper about another 'musical, and more, evening' -so watch this space!
Thank you also to
those who contributed goods to be taken to Ipswich Women's Refuge -they
were much appreciated. Patchwork and Quilting Patchwork and quilting
classes will continue in Flowton's warm Church Vestry during the Spring.
If you are interested please contact Mary Carter on 01473 658522 for more
details. Greetings for the
year 2003.
Mulled Wine and
Carols Harry Thorne -
This was held on
January 4th in the Community Centre at Needham Market and attracted 72
pairs for the carpet bowling competition. Arranged by David Schofield
and Jane with all the proceeds going to Offton Church Fabric Fund the
beautiful trophy (The Rector's Plate) was won this year by Stan Aldous
and Roy Lonsborough. The standard of play was, as always, very high and
the competition keen. During the day refreshments were served from 9 am
to 5 pm (including mouth watering bacon butties and leek and potato soup)
there was a separate Target Bowls competition, a raffle, tombola and various
other attractions to enjoy if you could take your eye off the bowling.
The wonderful sum of £ 1363 has been received from David.
There will be further details of all these planned events in later issues.
Most of you will have seen that work has started on the new kitchen, loo and disabled access at the church. Completion is expected by early April, subject of course to the inevitable weather. Everyone in the village should have received a letter from the Offton PCC in November asking for pledges and many of you have already generously responded with your pledges and gifts of support. To date our Treasurer, Paul Chapman, reports we have raised £9,035 which, with the appropriate Gift Aid tax reclaimed, makes a total of £11,476. Our target is £15,200 and we are almost there! Thank you, a big thank you, to everyone who has contributed to improving the facilities at the church for the use of all the village. For further information, a pledge form or to see the site plans do contact me or a member of the PCC. Lucy Vignoles Offton and Willisham Parish Council The Christmas dinner for the Senior Citizens was again a happy event. The Council is very grateful to Pam Redman and her helpers for making it possible. Not only did she organise the meal itself but also the musical play "The Very Hopeless Camel" which was most cleverly produced. I enjoyed participating, apparently I made a very unpleasant Herod! Sadly WPC Diane Porter our Community Police Officer is taking on a new post. She has served us very conscientiously and we will miss her. So now we welcome PC Kevin Shields who is to succeed her. The review of the Local Plan being undertaken by MSDC gives regard to applications for extensions to the Settlement Boundary in order to accommodate new housing. An application has been received to enlarge the boundary to the East of the road through Willisham, extending from the Poultry houses and Bonnywood Farm to approximately Tammella in Fiske Pightle. Mick and Margie have been stalwarts at the Limeburners for many years and we wish them well now that they have retired. We are lucky to have Bob Hicks as the new landlord because I know him well, and can guarantee that he will do a first class job and make us all very welcome. Parish Council elections are scheduled to take place on May 1st. I would ask parishioners to give thought to whether they would like to become a Councillor, in the knowledge that a more formal invitation will appear neared the time. Pip Sands Parish Clerk 01449 721173
CHURCH NOTES Church Annual Meetings These take place in Willisham Church on Wednesday 26th March at 7.00 pm, and included in the business of the meetings will be the election of the Parochial Church Council. If you would like to be involved in the running of Willisham Church by serving on the PCC, please contact Frances Gilson for further details. Evening Walk Following the success of last year's walk, John Minns will be leading a similar event on Saturday the 24th May. Full details will appear in later issues of The Link, but please book this date in your diary now. John Minns can be contacted on 01473 658352. Coffee Morning This year's coffee morning will take place at 9 North Acres on Saturday the 31st May. Full details later. CHURCH
SERVICES in our 8 linked parishes February 2nd Presentation of Christ in the Temple -Candlemas
February 9th Fourth Sunday before Lent
February 16th Third Sunday before Lent - Education Sunday
March 2nd Sunday next before Lent - Probable services:
Wednesday March 5th Ash Wednesday Look next month for details of services in the Deanery.
If you are interested,
please look on the notice board of your church for full details of how
to apply, or speak to your PCC Secretary . "Those who hope
in the Lord will renew Isaiah 40.31 |
Page last updated: 25-Feb-2009 |
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