are invited most warmly to the
Licensing and Installation of
The Reverend Canon Bernard Rose
Barking with Darmsden, Battisford, Flowton, Offton, Great Bricett,
Ringshall, Somersham, and Willisham
by the Right Reverend Clive Young,
Bishop of Dunwich and the Venerable David Brierley
Tuesday, June 2nd at St. Marys Church, Barking
7.30 pm
Car parking will be directed and car sharing would be much appreciated
wherever possible. Refreshments will be served at Barking Village
Hall after the licensing and everyone is welcome.
I would like to say
how much I have enjoyed meeting many of you and taking services in your
Benefice during the interregnum. Thank you to all of you who have made
me feel so welcome. I am looking forward to celebrating with you at the
licensing of Revd Canon Bernard Rose on June 2nd. I have known Bernie
for several years now, (and his grandparents since I was a young child
growing up in Needham Market) and it will be good to meet up with him
and Janet on a more regular basis as they move into the Bosmere Deanery.
One of the rewards of working in your Benefice is being able to enjoy
the beauty of the countryside and seeing the changes in the fields, trees,
gardens and hedgerows as the seasons go by. The countryside in May is
spectacular and I often purposefully make a detour through some of your
parishes as I travel from my Benefice back to my home in Ipswich. - just
to enjoy the scenery! The Lectionary Readings during May are also very
beautiful and joyful as we look at the post resurrection stories from
the Bible and read accounts of the early church from the Acts of the Apostles.
During May, we also celebrate Jesus ascension into heaven and the
coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
I never cease to be amazed at the change that came over the disciples
with the coming of the Holy Spirit. Although they had been in the presence
of the risen Christ and had many exciting stories of Jesus to share with
others, their ministry did not really take off until Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit enthused them and enabled them to preach the Good News
of Jesus in an amazing and confident way. We are told in Acts ch 2 v 41
that Peters preaching was so effective that 3000 people were converted
to Christianity in that one day. Wow!!!!!
The Christian Church continues to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit
for its growth and effectiveness. In his letter to the church in Ephesus
St Paul wrote a beautiful prayer of encouragement it goes like
I pray that God out of His glorious, unlimited resources will
give you the mighty inner strengthening of His Holy Spirit. And I pray
that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts, living within
you as you trust in Him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of
Gods marvellous love; and may you be able to feel and understand,
as all Gods children should, how long, how wide, how deep and how
high His love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though
it is so great that you will never see the end of it. And so at last you
will be filled up with God Himself. Now glory be to God who by His mighty
power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare
to ask or even dream of infinitely beyond our highest prayers,
desires, thoughts, or hopes. May He be given glory for ever and ever through
endless ages because of His master plan of salvation for the church through
Jesus Christ. (Ephesians ch 3 v 14-21 taken from The Living Bible
I am reminded of a phrase which I read in Margaret Silfs book Landmarks
The trouble with infinity is that it doesnt fit
onto our rulers. The infinite love of God revealed to us
in Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit just cannot be
measured. As we journey through life we are given opportunities to accept
Gods love but it will not be until this life on earth is over that
we will fully know the extent of that love.
Gods Holy Spirit can work powerfully through individuals but when
the church as a whole is open to His power than He can indeed do
far more than we can ask or even dream of. I pray that as
you go into a new phase of your Christian witness with Bernie and Janet
that you will trust Gods Holy Spirit to guide and inspire you to
be effective members of His Church and to know that whatever you do in
His name is for the extension of His Kingdom on earth and to His glory.
Christine Everett
Open the Book
Open The Book started up last September at Somersham School.
What is Open the Book? I hear you ask! Well, it is a national
project presenting a series of Bible stories to primary school children.
We have a small team of volunteers from both Somersham Parish Church and
Somersham Baptist Chapel and each week two volunteers go into the school
during their assembly and read to the children a bible story. The stories
are told very simply using the Lion Storyteller Bible and take about 10
minutes. We sometimes use props to assist the story and get the children
involved with various actions. At the end of the story we have a quiet
moment for reflection and then have a very short prayer.
I have to say that we have always received a very warm welcome by Somersham
School and the children have been extremely well behaved and very attentive!
There are a number of children who attend Wednesday Club at Somersham
Chapel and will often tell Edwin & Jean Mayhew or Linda Ruffles about
the story they have heard that week!
It has been a real pleasure to partake in this way and being able to share
the Christian message with the children in its simplest form.
If anyone would be interested in joining our small team, then please contact
the Team Leader, Debbie Bullard on 01473 831439. It is very rewarding!
Somersham Church Notes
Christian Aid envelopes
are once again being delivered with your Link magazine this month. Volunteers
will be collecting them in the village during the week beginning May 10th.
Please contribute something if you feel you can. If you miss the collector,
your envelope can be dropped off at Christines Haircare, Griffin
Cottage on the main road, or The Willows, Chapel Lane. Thank you.
The Trivia Quiz in March was a very enjoyable evening, with 9 teams competing
against each other. A very big thank you to Kate & Steve Dines for
doing all the hard work in setting the questions, and being excellent
and very fair quizmasters on the night. Church funds benefited by £100.
Somersham Church Summer
Fete will take place on Saturday June 27th at Church Meadow. Once again
we are very pleased that the Caston family have allowed us to use their
meadow next to the church. All the usual attractions, with plenty of games
and stalls, will be there.
Please note that there
will not be an 8 oclock communion service at Somersham Church on
Sunday May 17th.
Altar Flowers and Cleaning Rotas
Flowton |
3rd May |
Christine Jarrold |
Mrs Munson |
10th & 17th
May |
Pat Woolhouse |
Mrs Laflin |
24th & 31st
May |
Angie Osborn |
Mrs Carter |
7th June |
Frances Southgate |
Cleaning |
Team B |
Offton |
Willisham |
3rd May |
Mrs A. Chapman |
Mrs V. Large |
10th & 17th
May |
Mrs A. Pinson-Roxburgh |
Mrs E. Hodson |
24th & 31st
May |
Mrs J. Waters |
Mrs J. Somerville |
7th June |
Mrs J. Spurling |
Cleaning |
Mrs A. Luxmore |
Parish Council
You are very welcome to attend any meeting of the parish council which,
unless stated, commence at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Wednesday 6th May 2009 (Annual Parish Council Meeting)
Wednesday 3rd June 2009
Wednesday 1st July 2009
Summary of Annual
Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting took place on the 1st April in the Village Hall.
This meeting is not a parish council meeting but a meeting for the electorate
and is an opportunity for them to say what they would like to see happen
in Somersham.
Also at the meeting a presentation on the Mid Suffolk South Locality Project
updated everyone on the Community Board concept which has been created
under the Government requirement for neighbourhood empowerment. The project
is still in its infancy, but will be monitored as it develops.
As well as annual reports from the parish council, County Councillor Truelove,
District Councillor Wright, the Police, Neighbourhood Watch and the Somersham
Town Lane Charity reported on their activities for the preceding 12 months.
Vehicle Activated
Speed Signs
Several residents have contacted the parish council expressing their appreciation
of the vehicle activated speed signs on Main Road approaching Chapel Lane
and the Pump House. Please continue to email your views as they all provide
useful feedback on the effectiveness of the signs and will help decide
what steps can be taken in the future.
Local Government Review in Suffolk
You will no doubt be aware that a further delay has occurred in the timetable
of the recommendation of the Boundary Committee for England to the Secretary
of State on the future structure of local government in Suffolk. The Boundary
Committee will be consulting on two options - 1. a single unitary authority
for the whole of Suffolk and 2. an Ipswich/Felixstowe/Shotley Peninsular
unitary plus a rural Suffolk for the rest of the county. The consultation
period runs until 14th May. Whichever decision is made will affect you
so ensure you make your views known by email at
or by post to:- Review Manager, (Norfolk and Suffolk Reviews), The Boundary
Committee for England, Trevelyan House, Great Peter Street, London, SW1P
Model Publication
Under the Freedom of Information Act it is the duty of every public authority
to adopt and maintain a publication scheme. Publication schemes facilitate
the release of information and play a crucial role in openness and transparency.
Charges are made to recover costs in photocopying, postage and staff costs
where applicable. The parish council adopted the scheme and a copy of
the schedule of charges and the documents available is published on the
notice board. If you have any queries please contact the clerk.
Disposal of Plasterboard
From the 1st April 2009 Gypsum Plasterboard is no longer permitted to
be mixed with other wastes and land filled and will only be accepted in
limited quantities (2 bags per day) at the following Household Waste Recycling
Centres; Bury St Edmunds HWRC, Lowestoft HWRC and Foxhall HWRC. No other
Household Waste Recycling Centres will accept this waste stream.
Printing for the
Mid Suffolk District Councils Printing Services offers a Printing
for the Community service to individuals and non profit making organisations
which include charities, churches, community groups, local societies,
sports clubs, councils etc. Publications include calendars, catalogues,
business cards, leaflets, menus, posters, programmes, tickets and many
more. Prices are competitive and depend on a number of factors, but as
a guide can be 2.2p single side mono or 3.3p double sided mono, 11p per
side colour and artwork can be provided by hard copy, CD, disk, memory
stick or email. For further information telephone 01449 724675.
Community Clear Ups
There is much publicity in the local media concerning making Suffolk the
cleanest county and local organisations and residents are being asked
to organise clear ups in their local area. Mid Suffolk District Council
has provided the ward of Barking and Somersham with their own Community
Clear Up supply kit which includes litter pickers, hi-visibility vests,
gloves, black sacks and recycling sacks. The equipment is available to
community groups and will be kept by Cllr. Steven Wright, tel 07850 882791.
Mid Suffolk District Council will arrange free collection of waste after
a clear up event. A booklet entitled How to organise a community
clear up is available from , tel.
01449 724946.
Janet Clarke Tel.
No. 01473 830398
Clerk to the Council E-mail:
Suffolk Cruse
Awareness in Bereavement Care Course
to be held at 90 Risbygate St, Bury St Edmunds.
16 sessions in the autumn, starting with essential attendance at
the first all-day session on Saturday 12th September. This will
be followed by sessions on 2 further Saturdays and 10 Thursday evenings.
This course is for people who have an interest in supporting and
caring for bereaved people; it is primarily intended for potential
Cruse volunteers though others applicants will be considered if
there is space.
It develops basic counselling skills to be used in bereavement support
work and is accredited by OCNW at Level 2.
For further information, dates, costs, etc. please contact West
Suffolk Cruse at the above address or via our website at
or ring 01284 767674
Somersham & District Community Association
The AGM and the first general meeting of the year took place on the 26th
March. We needed to consult the Constitution before we could start the
meetings because so few people attended. Is this a sign that every one
is satisfied with progress, a sign that they still think it all belongs
to the Parish Council and is their problem, do they have too many other
things to do, or do they just not care who supplies local facilities so
long as they can use them? Fortunately for the Association those on the
Committee were willing to stand again (could we do anything else?) and
two of them volunteered to become trustees as well.
We are pleased to say that despite doubts on the part of some, the new
pitch has not become waterlogged this winter despite the appalling weather
and now, with a dose of spring fertiliser, will last us for a long time
to come although there may need to be another stone picking party. Light
covers on arena and pitch have been damaged; how do they do it? Repairing
these and possibly fitting low energy bulbs and repairing one of the pavilion
shutters are going to considerably affect the budget for the next quarter.
Fortunately for the Association, the Football Clubs, who strongly support
the Sports & Social Club, raise much of the revenue needed. It would
be so nice if more of you made use of the Club or hired the pavilion.
It is smaller than the village hall but has the advantage that the play
areas can be seen from the building if you use it for a childrens
event, and it is cosier if you have a small party to entertain.
There have been a couple of changes to the list of elected representatives
from the various clubs and associations in the village and I would like
to know of any others. This is the time of year when most people try to
get themselves out of doing support jobs for clubs or even volunteering
to take them on so there are bound to be changes. If your committee has
changed please do let me know if you have a new elected spokesperson to
represent you at the S&DCA if ever you should want to take part. An
elected member gets you full committee membership and voting rights and
a chance to change the way things go on if you are not satisfied. We hold
business meetings bi-monthly and they are friendly, laid back and over
as quickly as possible - not a lot to worry time-conscious busy people.
If you want to hire the pavilion for small groups or parties, to nominate
a representative to the S&DCA, to simply promote your own idea of
a good community activity, or help in any way please contact Mike Shelmerdine
on 01473 831661.
Nicky Heming 01473 831594
Good News
It is with the greatest pleasure that we are about to welcome the Rev
Cannon Bernie Rose & Mrs Janet Rose as our new Priest-in-Charge
at Offton. After a year without a resident priest following the departure
of Rev Linden Fletcher, it will be very good to have a priest to guide
us in our worship. Rev Cannon Rose will be licensed at Barking Church
on 2 June, after which he will be the priest responsible for all eight
churches in our benefice. The Offton congregation sends its warmest wishes
to Bernie and Janet, and thanks them for coming into our community.
Events During April
A Spring Quiz was organised in the village hall for Saturday 18 April.
Additionally, our annual meeting, to which all members on the churchs
Electoral Roll and other members of the congregation were invited, was
scheduled to be held on Monday 20 April in the church. At the time of
writing this article, these events had not taken place; therefore, a report
on the proceedings will appear in next months Link.
Future Events and
Special Services
13 June Planning is at an advanced stage for our annual
Summer Fete to be held in the church grounds starting at 2.00pm. All the
usual fun attractions for all ages will be there, plus music by a large
brass band. Absolutely everybody is invited, and there will be attractions
to amuse both the old and the young. So make a note of it now.
21 June For all animal and pet lovers, our annual Animal Blessing
Service will be held outdoors in the church grounds, so there will be
room for all sorts of pets. All Gods creatures will be welcome -
animal and human (particularly children), so this is an event for all
the family.
12 July This is a must for all gardeners. Offtons
Open Gardens will be based around the heart of the village. Many village
people have generously offered to open their gardens for this event. Refreshments
will be available at various locations, and the toilet in the church will
also be open. A Songs of Praise service will follow the afternoons
sight seeing. You can pick-and-choose as many of the locations as you
wish. Full details will appear elsewhere in the Link before the event.
Christian Aid Week
Envelopes for donations to Christian Aid Week are being distributed with
this issue of the Link. Arrangements have been made for the envelopes
to be left at three locations in Offton: the church; the Old Vicarage
next door to the church; and 17 Marshmoor Park, Wallow Lane at the western
end of the village. Your donations are really needed by so many people
who are far less fortunate than ourselves, so please spare a little for
them. Thank you.
Would you like a nice afternoon out?
Free entry, games and entertainment, refreshments and the chance to pick
up a bargain!
We look forward to seeing you at Offton Fete, Saint Marys Church,
on Saturday, June 13th from 2.00pm onwards.
If you have anything you would like to donate or would like to help in
any way, please contact Peta on 01449 677766.
Thank you
13th @ 2 pm
in the
of old photographs
Ipswich Hospital Intermediate Band
Proceeds to St Marys Church Offton Fabric Fund
PC David Clark
Community Beat Officer
Tel: 01473 613500
Mid Suffolk South Team
Mid Suffolk District Council Offices,
131 High Street Needham Market Suffolk IP6 8DL
Hello again ,
Crimes of Interest
7th March -Attempted theft from motor vehicle and theft from an insecure
motor vehicle
17th March Outbuilding broken into and fuel stolen from vehicle
26th March several Outbuildings broken into nothing believed
Offton & Willisham
No crime to report
Around 70 vehicles were stopped by Suffolk Police in Mid Suffolk on Friday
20th March, during the latest day of action against illegal activity on
the roads in the west of the county,
Two teams of officers carried out road safety enforcement checks focusing
on driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs, speeding, use
of mobile phones, and seatbelt use at locations in Old Newton, Thurston,
Drinkstone, Barking, Bramford, Claydon and the surrounding areas (South
team); and Stowupland, Stonham Parva, Mickfield, Debenham, Eye, Oakley,
Mellis, Palgrave and the surrounding areas (North team). In addition a
parking enforcement patrol was carried out in Stowmarket town centre.
The results of the day are as follows (with penalties listed)
9 fixed penalty notices were issued for speeding (dependent upon
speed), 7 drivers were warned about their speed, and one driver was reported
for consideration of prosecution for speeding
22 fixed penalty notices were issued for driving without wearing
a seatbelt (£30)
One vehicle was seized for having no insurance
Drivers were also dealt with for vehicle defects, having no road
tax and having no MOT
Most people who call at your home will be genuine. But sometimes, people
turn up unannounced with the intention of tricking their way into your
home to steal your valuables and money.
It's a common scenario: somebody knocks on your door and tells you their
car has broken down, and asks to use your phone to call the recovery service.
Whilst inside your home, they distract you and steal your belongings.The
only problem? It's a scam.
Variations on the theme
There are dozens of scams like this in operation at any given time.
There's the 'ran out of petrol and left my wallet at home' scam. The 'my
mother's sick and I need money for a cab' scam. The list is
as endless as the human imagination.
Scamsters can be endlessly creative. Pushing their cars up the street,
for example, and stopping passers-by asking for cash for petrol. Then
getting in their perfectly working cars and driving away.
Distraction burglary
The more complex scams involve people pretending to be from utilities
companies and asking for access to homes.
There are around 12,000 reported incidents of 'distraction burglary' every
year - when callers get into a person's home through false pretences,
and then steal cash or valuables while the home-owner is distracted.
They often work in pairs - with one person distracting the resident while
the other is rifling through their belongings.
Be cautious
When a stranger rings your bell, be cautious. Don't let anybody in unless
you are expecting them. Representatives of the water, gas and electric
companies rarely make house calls without appointments.
If there is a real gas or water emergency, police and firefighters are
likely to be present.
There are some simple precautions you can take to help ensure you
don't become a victim:
talk to people through the door, rather than opening it when they knock
ask who they are before opening the door, then keep the door on the chain
until you've seen their identification
make sure your back door is closed and locked before answering your front
door - thieves have been known to work in pairs, with one entering through
the back while the other knocks on the front door
Ask for identification
If anybody comes to your door for legitimate purposes, they will have
an I.D. card from the organisation they represent. Before you even speak
to them, ask to see it, and keep the door on the chain while you look
it over.
If you need glasses in order to read the card, close and lock the door
before going to get them. Never leave the door open and unattended.
Lock, Stop, Chain, Check
The Government's Lock, Stop, Chain, Check (new window) campaign provides
more security information for dealing with bogus callers.
To learn more, contact your local council, social services office or Age
Concern (new window) centre. They can advise you on installing door viewers,
chains and personal alarms, all of which can make you safer when a stranger
If you have any information
or would like any advice on police matters PCSO 3183 Vince Whitrow or
myself would be more than happy to discuss this with you Our contact telephone
number is 01284 774100
Our e mail addresses are are or
Please remember that there are occasions when we on rest days for 4 days
so if your call is of an urgent nature please ask to speak to any officer
on duty.
Thanks very much PC
466 Dave Clark
Flowton Church News
We are planning
a Gardens Open and Flower Festival weekend for June 19/20th 2010
If you are interested
in any aspect of the weekend, please come to a meeting on Thursday May
14th at 7.30pm in the church vestry-
We need YOUR ideas!
for your diary for this year:
Flowton Fete
on Sunday June 28th at 2.00pm in the churchyard.
All the usual attractions, good company, cream teas, time to chat and
enjoy yourselves.
The next Village Coffee Drop in will be on Wednesday, 6th May look
forward to seeing you then.
and Willisham Parish Council
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 18th May in the Village
hall at 7.30 pm. This is a meetng open to parishioners to bring
to the notice of the Council any matters they choose. Your attendance
and participation would be warmly welcomed.
We have been working on the Offton phone box to clean it up and assess
what is required to improve its appearance.
Wattisham Celebrations.11th and 12th July. See the notice boards
for details I am required to give names by the end of April but
it may just be possible to add more names early in May. Get in touch with
A team headed by Councillor Keith Earl collected sixteen bags of
rubbish around Willisham, including a car tyre and bumper. Praise
to them and condemnation to those who deposited it
Pip Sands Parish clerk
Tel 01449 721173
Offton and Willisham
Parish Walk and Quiz, Sunday 17th May.
Offton and Willisham Parish Council is reviving beating the bounds,
the ancient custom of learning the lay of the land by walking the parish
boundaries. On Sunday 17th May, starting from the Lime Burners Pub
at 10:30am we will be following a 2 mile circular route along the boundary
of our two parishes via Middle Wood. The paths are good and the gentle
Suffolk pace will be suitable for young and old alike. Afterwards
there will be a lunchtime quiz back at the pub. Everyone is most
welcome and we hope to see you there.
To learn more about the tradition of beating the bounds why not look here
Give us, Lord, a bit o sun,
A bit o work and a bit o fun.
Give us all, in the struggle and splutter,
Our daily bread and a bit o butter.
Give us health our keep to make
An a bit to spare for poor folks sake.
Give us sense, for we are some of us duffers
An a heart to feel for all that suffers.
Christian Aid Week (10 16 May)
A Christian Aid envelope has been delivered with this issue of The Link.
We hope to collect as many of these as possible but, if we call when you
are out and you would like to contribute, please return the envelope to
Foxgloves, Main Road, Willisham or to Freshwood,
Fiske Pightle, Willisham.
Songs of Praise
We will be holding our annual Songs of Praise Service on Sunday 14 June
at 3.00 pm in Willisham Church. If you would like a favourite hymn to
be included in the service, please contact a member of the PCC.
Church Fete
In the next issue of The Link there will be more information about the
fete which will take place on Saturday 11 July.
Frances Gilson
Since January, two more donations in memory of Frances have been received:
£200.00 from Musicology (the proceeds from its charity concert at
Christmas) and £750.00 from Ipswich Arts Society (half the proceeds
from its Concert for Frances in February.The PCC is most grateful
to both of these organisations for their generosity.
Evening Walk
This very popular walk will take place on Saturday 9 May, at 5.30 pm.
The walk will start from a different point this year WILLISHAM
Afterwards, refreshments will be provided, as usual, at John and Leita
Minns home, Derrick Hill.
There will be a charge of £5.00, proceeds going to Willisham Church.
Please note that the walk is at your own risk and that suitable footwear
and clothing are essential.
For more information, and to book, contact John Minns on 01473 658352.
Coffee Morning and Nearly New Sale
This will take place on Saturday 23 May at Foxgloves, Main Road, Willisham
from 10.00 am.
There will be Nearly New clothes, books, CDs, plants and other items on
sale, and there will be a raffle.
If you have any good, nearly new items that you would like to donate,
in aid of the church, please contact Jean Hardman (658063) or any member
of the PCC.
There will be a Marquee so please come even if the weather is unfavourable.
Gardening Club
11 May @ 7.30pm
Methods of saving and sowing seeds
Speaker: Shannon wood
Somersham Village Hall
Raffle and card sales table
Annual membership £7 Guest / Visitor £1
Great British Fish and Chips Supper
Friday 15th May 2009
Want to do something different? Want to raise money where you live or
work? Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold
a fish and chip supper on Friday 15th May 2009 whilst raising awareness
of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA's information and support services.
You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold
a larger supper at your local community centre.
SIA will provide a
fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation
envelopes. By inviting 7 friends and asking them to donate an additional
£5.00 means you will raise at least £35.00 from your supper
but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more
money for SIA.
In 2009 SIA is celebrating
its 35th Anniversary and since Friday, 15th May 2009 is Spinal Cord Injury
awareness day, what a great way to celebrate and eat some tasty fish and
chips at the same time.
For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright
on 0845 678 6633 xtn 229 or email
Day Trip to Southwold & Dunwich
June 2nd
Departs Somersham
At 10.00 am
Children Welcome with an Adult
Members £8 Children £2
All enquires to
Colin Burrows, 6 Brook Way, Somersham, Tel: 01473 830132
Cycle Speedway Club
The Australia Tour
dominates the article on this occasion as 3 weeks before they were due
to leave Steve & Barry Copping discovered they were eligible to race
cycle speedway for Ireland, thanks to their great-great grandmother.
They set out for Australia on the evening of February 6th for their 2nd
trip to the other side of the world. They arrived on the 8th at 10.50am
Adelaide time and were on track at Findon that afternoon just to have
a ride round. They partook in a training session at Findon on the following
day and a similar session on the Wednesday at Salisbury before having
their 1st competitive action 2 days later back at Findon in a local club
meeting in which the overseas competitiors were welcome to ride. The following
day they were on track again, this time at Le Fevre as they staged a similar
club event to what Findon had staged the previous evening.. On February
20th Steve transferred from Somersham-for 1 night only though as he was
invited to guest for Sheffield in a friendly match at Salisbury. Steve
scored 4 points as Sheffield went down by 92 points to 86
Saturday February 21st is a day that will live long in the memories of
the Copping brothers as they made their international debuts for Ireland-and
what an event to have to do it in, the 2009 World Team Cup at Salisbury.
Steve scored 5 points and Barry 9 which included an excellent last bend
pass on Great Britain & Wales team manager Dave Murphy for a 2nd place
to the loudest cheer ever heard at Salisbury. The Ireland team eventually
finished 4th out of 6 teams. They had a 3 day break before they were back
in action on the 24th in the elimination heats of the World Senior Individual
Championship. Steve was at Findon where he bowed out at the first hurdle,
scoring 7 points to finish 14th whereas Barry, who was riding at Le Fevre,
scored 9 points and survived a run-off with Poole rider Sam Hearn to advance
to the Preliminary Final on the Thursday. He was drawn in the Salisbury
event where he could only manage 7 points.
Sunday March 1st saw the World Pairs take place at Murraylands and Barry
donned his Ireland shirt to take 2 reserve rides as Ireland finished 5th.
Barry then emulated what Steve did and guested for Sheffield in a friendly
against Murraylands which Sheffield lost. Steve would have ridden as well
but he picked up a suspected insect bite on his left leg the previous
day which left his leg in agony and would subsequently become blistered
on the Monday(the day before they were due to return home) and result
in him being rushed to hospital that evening where he would remain until
the Saturday.(The leg in question is now recovering.) They eventually
returned home on Tuesday March 10th,6 days later than scheduled .
With Somersham not participating in any league competitions this season
Gary Brown has switched to Kesgrave on secondary licence. Steve will be
doing the same(subject to his leg injury & work commitments) but brother
Barry has signed for the Norwich club on a full transfer
Steve Copping
We have reached the end of another winter season, on the whole it has
been a good one with a few ups and downs along the way.
We ended February with an away match at Brockley, they are always difficult
opponents to beat, especially on their home mats, unfortunately we were
short of team members owing to illness, but after some competitive bowling
we managed to win one game and salvaged two valuable points. Our next
encounter was a game in the friendly league against near neighbours Needham
Market, these matches are played in a more relaxed way, and make for a
fun evening.
We continued March with a home match against Barrow, our position in the
league was getting critical, and if we were to keep our place in division
one, we needed as many points as possible from the remaining three matches,
again we were short of a team member, both teams played well throughout
the evening, Offton and Willisham having the home advantage, managed to
win three games and draw one, so we won the match 7-1, (we sacrificed
2 points because we were short of a team member,) so far so good.
Our next league match was another home game, this time against Hoggards
Green, again good opponents, we had a full team available and were able
to take advantage of the extra two points, but first we had to win, luckily
O/W players were on good form and after some excellent bowling by both
teams O/W won the match 8-2.
So we come to our last match of the winter league, we need three points
to stay in the first division, and we have an away match against Cockfield,
could we manage it?
Fortunately two of our teams mastered one of the mats, and after some
close games they managed to win, we lost the match 6 - 4. but we had the
points required to stay in division one.
We completed the season on Saturday 4th April by playing our friends from
Somersham Bowls Club for the Paul Chapman Cup a trophy played
for between the two clubs. Somersham have held the trophy for the last
two years, could O/W win it this year?
We started bowling at 12.30pm, played all afternoon, with a break for
tea and biscuits, playing a total of twenty one games, there was some
excellent play by both teams, with some very close games, all played in
a friendly spirit of camaraderie, at the end the score was O/W 13 wins
1 draw Somersham 7 wins giving a points total 27-13 to O/W.
We rounded off a really enjoyable day with a take away meal of fish and
chips etc. and it was completed with Somershams captain handing
the Trophy to Offton and Willishams captain. A great way to end
the season!
If you
would like to try carpet bowls and you missed our open evenings in April,
its not too late, all are welcome at Offton and Willisham Village
hall on Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7.30pm, why not give it a try
you may be pleasantly surprised at what fun it is.
For more information call 01473 657023.
The Lions Club of Stowmarket and District
present the 7th Annual Sponsored Rhythm of Life Walk
Sunday, 7th June, 2009.
The walk this year will be held on the Aggregates Trail which
travels through the Gipping Valley from Needham Lakes to Barham Picnic
area. Shuttle transport will return walkers to the car park.
The walk is approximately 4.5 miles long and should take around two hours,
not allowing for any sightseeing stops alongside the River Gipping.
There will be one refreshment stop at the halfway point. Walkers
may take their own picnics to eat at the Picnic site near the end of the
Registration of sponsorship forms will be from 8.30 a.m. until 10.00 a.m.
The registered sponsorship form numbers will be entered into a draw.
The winner will receive a £100 voucher for Inces Outdoor Shop, Ipswich
Street, Stowmarket, kindly donated by the owner, John Kingsley.
Anyone wanting to enter for this event please email
or telephone 07875 647589 and leave your name and address so that an entry
form can be posted to you. An entry form and more details can be
found on
Proceeds from the walk will go to Papworth Hospital, West Suffolk Hospital
Cardiac Unit and Lions Charities.
The month of April
took us into the final stages of the Winter League, with our chances of
staying in the Second Division very much hanging in the balance. The increased
pressures of bowling in a more competitive league and the higher standards
of bowling required have persisted throughout the season and with only
three home matches left to play we remained optimistic and undaunted by
the likely final outcome.
First match in the
home sequence of three brought Whatfield to our mats, and what a variation
in results they turned out to be! The first two games of the evening were
closely contested and produced first half results of a draw and a win
by 5 shots in favour of the away side. The two second half games were
also evenly split, and the winning team for Somersham managed a big enough
shots tally to overcome the shortfall and take the overall shots for the
match - thus forcing the result to a very fair draw.
With only two home
matches now remaining our league tenure was very much dependent on good
scores if the drop back to Division 3 was to be avoided.
Any lingering hopes were soon dispelled in the next match against
East Bergholt: a team at the top of their form when they soon extinguished
the mathematical possibilities of us obtaining sufficient points on which
to improve on our lowly league position.
Both games in the first half of the evening went the way of the visitors,
leaving too big a deficit to make up in the final two games; and even
though one of the fours did manage a win it was East Bergholt who ran
out quite convincing winners.
With only pride to play for - and our league position beyond recovery,
our final match of the season was against Stutton another team
in fine form. Although one of the fours - to their credit - achieved a
draw, overall on the night it was another unfortunate defeat for Somersham.
With only eight points scored from our last three matches it brought a
fairly disappointing season to conclusion which sees us returning to the
Third Division in the next Winter League.
Perhaps of some consolation: it will see the return of some friendly faces
and the more relaxed rigours of bowling, and which should hopefully see
us rebuilding team confidence.
April is the close
season before the start of the Summer League and sees us bowling for the
Paul Chapman Cup, and a couple of in-club competitions: and these will
receive reports in the next edition of the Link.
Winter League March Results: -
Team Shots Points
Whatfield 35 - 41 5 - 5 Draw Home
East Bergholt 56 - 29 8 - 2 Lost Home
Stutton 48 26 9 1 Lost Home
We still look to consolidate
the membership of the club
. so why not come along to the Village
Hall one Tuesday night and try your hand and enjoy a friendly evening
of carpet bowls.
Its a village club so summer could be a good time to
use the light nights to come along and try it!
Elmsett Airfield
Liaison Group (EALG ) Meeting
Report of meeting at Elmsett Airfield Wednesday, 11th March 2009
For the last 5 months aircraft movements have been lower than the same
period last year as the weather and flying conditions have not been good.
The airfield had not formally closed but the runway had been too wet for
heavy aircraft and they had taken the decision to advise some aircraft
which were intending to visit not to come. The number of aircraft based
at the airfield was still the same although one aircraft was now up for
Charles Course mentioned that although there had been no formal complaints
he had noticed 3 pilots of helicopters coming in off the NAP route and
had contacted them. One of the helicopters had made several approaches
but had not actually landed. He had noted the registration however and
had written to the owner. He had written to all pilots with the new agreement
for use of the airfield and included with it the Noise Abatement Procedure
and a copy of the letter of agreement with Wattisham.
Airfield Open Day - This is planned for the 19th September 2009. The early
work was being done now. After discussion it was felt that it might be
useful to put an advertisement and flyers in Village Newsletters to ensure
the event is publicised locally and residents are made aware of it.
and well done to Vicki-May Northover and Cooley Angel on winning
the Open Intro Section at the Poplar Horse Trials on 14.3.09. With clear
Show Jumping and Cross Country rounds well within the optimum time, they
finished on a very good Dressage score of 30 penalty points giving Vicki-May
the Best Suffolk Rider award.
Vicki-May was doubly delighted as Curly (Cooley Angel) had had an injury
and was under the care of the Animal Health Trust at Newmarket last year,
was on box rest for five months, with no guarantee of her ever fully recovering
and being able to compete again.
Coming back into work was slow progress but as Vicki-May said It
was well worth it, and for anyone else out there whose horse has had an
injury, dont give up hope because with patience and dedication,
they can come back and be successful.
Elmsett Fellowship Brass Band
you to a
(in memory of Janet Crick)
3rd July 2009 at 7pm
The Village Hall, Elmsett
Raffle and Refreshments
collection in aid of
St Elizabeth Hospice
Elmsett Pre-School Playgroup
We welcome Oliver, James and Savannah to pre-school this term.
Our Summer topic is Nursery Rhymes and we would like to encourage the
children to bring in related items to share with the others.
Please note that the session times have now changed to 8.45am 11.45am
Monday to Thursday in Elmsett Village Hall.
For further information, please contact Claire on 01473-657381.
Tuesday 5th May, 8pm -AGM- at Elmsett Methodist Church
Your playgroup needs you! If you are keen to help and would like to be
part of the decision-making process concerning your childs pre-school
years, we welcome you to come and get involved in the pre-school committee.
Stepping Stones
We welcome Joanne and Ruby to our friendly parent and toddler group which
runs every Wednesday (term-time) in Elmsett Methodist Church, 9.15
11.00am. May activities are: May 6th Making Pizzas, May 13th Messy week,
May 20th Tents, tunnels and ride-on fun
Term dates: Tues 21st April-Thurs 16th July Half term 25th-29th May
Saturday 26 June - Spencer Brown Photography Session 9am onwards, Elmsett
Methodist Church
Back this year by popular demand! Open to all members of the village with
children. Session times will be available to book in advance at the pre-school
the week before ½ term or contact Victoria Gregory on 01473 658726.
(Registered Charity 1020882)
With the National Curriculum change to child-led Pre-School sessions,
children no longer follow a weekly theme & our staff have decided
to re-introduce letter and sound of the week. Children are
encouraged to bring in items beginning with the current letter of the
week, and are then asked to talk about their item before we discuss other
things also beginning with that letter, which is a great way for children
to learn the alphabet and also gain confidence in speaking in front of
We are doing well with the attendance figures, but if you would like a
place for your child please contact us. We are more than happy to invite
parents/carers along to see who we are and what we do. Contact either
the Pre-school, 07754892077 or Sally Aveling, 01449 744510.
Children can start pre-school from the age of 2 ½ and, from the
term after their third birthday, the government funds the sessions. We
are open every weekday morning from 9.30 until 12 noon during term time
and children can attend any number of sessions per week (space permitting).
Our staff are committed, enthusiastic, well trained and work hard to organise
a wide variety of fun and educational activities including crafts, cooking,
music, story telling and construction. We have many toys and activities
so there is bound to be something to capture each child's imagination.
Somersham Primary School
Hi this is Anna and
Grace and we are reporting for The Link newsletter. We are representing
Somersham Primary School. We are writing this on a sunny but cold morning
break time!!! First of all we are going to talk about our wonderful school.
Our school is full of friendly people and has lots of kind members of
On Friday the 13th March the whole school dressed up for Comic Relief
and had a circus performance. Each class got to make up an astonishing
performance to show the whole school. The Squirrels (the youngest class)
had to dance, sing and jump through the hoop of fire (a little hoop!)
Ferrets, the middle class had to sing, walk on stilts and do a tightrope
walk! Hawks the oldest class had to use the circus plates, juggling balls
and lots more!
Our school gets invited to lots of sporting events and clubs such as going
to Claydon High School, playing on space hoppers, bean bags on heads and
lots of more fun and games! Ferrets say that all the people in the school
are really friendly. The Hawks got invited to the netball and football
tournaments at Claydon High School. The results were: netballers came
3rd and footballers came 1st! We were very lucky as all the teams played
very well! Class Ferrets have been to a multisports afternoon at Claydon
High and had a fun filled time playing lots of different sports.
Hawks Class have been thinking about what to do when Emily Gravett (author/illustrator
and winner of the Kate Greenaway Award) comes to visit us in May to open
our brand new library. As some of you know, a few of the Hawks have already
met her in London when they went to interview her ?.
The clarinet club have also been very busy practising for the concert
on Thursday 2nd of April 2009. First of all the beginners (the group that
need a bit more practice) will start the concert with a tune called Together
and Alone. The beginners are Jack, Chloe, Cameron, Alex and Grace.
The improvers are second to do the concert so they can show the audience
what the beginners will become in a few months! The improvers are Kieron,
Will, Natasha and Anna.
The Squirrels class have found a mysterious bean that they have been growing
in soil and is protected by a magical shield that only four people can
touch! Squirrels were very sad to see Miss Shackleton, a student teacher,
leave as she had been teaching Squirrels for a few weeks ?. Anyway thats
all for now. Look out for the next Somersham School article in the June
Link Newsletter.
Friends of Somersham School
If your copy of the Link arrives on your doorstep before 1st May, there
is still chance to book last minute tickets for this years very
popular Archive Film Evening on Friday 1st May. The films will be shown
by Geoff Clarke, who has put together a programme of popular local films.
The show starts at 7.30pm and the village hall will be open from 6.30pm
with a chance for you to catch up with friends before the films begin.
Book your tickets with John and Leita Minns on 01473 658352, or with Jenny
King, on 01473 830623. Tickets prices are £6 for adults and £3
for children and the price includes light refreshments during the interval.
The next big event will be our School Summer Fete on Saturday 20th June
at 1.30pm. We have decided upon a Pantomime Theme for this year. Last
year, we received generous donations from local people, clubs, societies,
groups etc who sponsored a stall at the fete. These donations went towards
prizes for winners of the games etc. We raised a significant amount of
money for a small school and really value the support of the local community.
So, if you can help out, either by running a stall, sponsoring a stall,
or by donating a prize for our very popular raffle, we would love to hear
from you. In the meantime we are busy coming up with ideas for themed
stalls and of course our own outfits! We hope to make it our most successful
fete yet!
With the funds you have raised for the school, we have contributed to
the year 5/6 (Hawks class) residential trip at JCA near Portsmouth. The
children go away for a week in June on their action-packed adventure holiday.
For many children, this will be the longest they have spent away from
home. They get to experience a wide variety of activities such as abseiling,
climbing, raft building, fencing and a muddy blind trail! This trip is
run every other year so that all the children in the school get to go.
The FOSS contribution helps to keep the cost down for parents.
We have also recently donated £500 for an abacus maths
programme, which works with the interactive white boards in the classrooms.
This is a resource requested by the teachers. Again, it benefits lots
of the children, particularly those in key stage 2 (Ferrets class). We
also donated £1000 for reception class resources. This benefits
children in both reception and year 1.
We also contributed
towards a theatre group visit, who came to the school in April. The children
all enjoyed an adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale Rapunzel.
We have also just agreed a further £100 donation to support a day
trip for the Squirrels class (reception/ yr 1)
The more parents we have on the committee the better, as more members
mean more ideas, fresh new ideas, and bigger successes. And dont
feel that if you join, you are committed to taking on a big time consuming
role; the ideas you can contribute are as valuable as helping out now
and again at a fundraising event. We meet about once every 4 weeks. If
you have a child at the school, please, please think seriously about joining
us. Quite simply, if there is no committee, there will be no extra funds.
After the fete, we will be planning for another Christmas Shopping Evening
to be held during November in the Village Hall. Last year this was a fantastic
success, with a wide variety of stalls. If you are interested in booking
a table, please contact me and register your interest. We will be writing
to those stall holders who supported last years event, once we have
set a definite date.
As always, keep collecting those supermarket tokens, used ink cartridges,
and old mobile phones to recycle and raise funds for the school. It really
does make a difference.
Finally, some dates for your diaries:
Archive Film Evening 1st May
School Summer Fete Pantomime Theme (oh no it isnt
yes it is!!) 20th June
Christmas Shopping Evening- November exact date TBC
Clare Davies 832569
Ringshall School
April 1st 2009
Dear Neighbours,
Another term has flown
by and it is nearly summer. It is lovely to see the children out on our
field, using the adventure playground, playing games or just strolling
in the sun. The daffodils are out -it really is a picture. Today the children
have begun bringing their Easter gardens for a competition. There are
some very inventive and original ideas on show!
We have had a very enjoyable and successful term. Our Year 2 children
have particularly enjoyed learning about Fire. The possibility of a re-enactment
of the Great Fire of London during a bread making session was a little
concerning, but all passed off peacefully! Year 4 children have been learning
about Settlements with a detailed 3D map of Wallace and Grommits
village to start the topic. This has led on to learning about other settlers
such as the Saxons and Beowulf, with some very imaginative descriptions
of monsters and battles. The younger children have enjoyed their classroom
jungle hide and loved being explorers and finding out about jungle animals.
We took a road show to Wattisham Base for the children to display and
share their work and staff to meet people- a very successful occasion.
We have also had a parents morning finding out about how children
learn in the Foundation Stage and an opportunity to find out more about
ways we approach reading and spelling using Letters and Sounds.
Thank you for all your support and interest throughout the term.
Monica Gibbs, Headteacher
Childrens Life Line
(To help children suffering from the after effects of the Chernobyl disaster
and economic situation)
On Saturday 4th April our Snail Racing fundraiser event took place. We
would like to thank everyone who attended for their support and it certainly
appeared that everyone really enjoyed themselves. Our grateful thanks
to all of those who helped at the event for their hard work. After all
expenses we are pleased to report that a sum of just over £1300.00
was raised.
The Charity shop has got off to a great start with lots of people visiting
us each day to pick up a bargain. Everything is priced to sell so if you
havent been in yet do come and see us, you will be very pleasantly
surprised at what is on offer. Again our thanks to all those who have
donated goods and to our great band of volunteers who staff the shop and
work so hard to keep it looking bright, tidy and interesting.
If you are interested in helping in the shop or in learning more about
our Charity please contact us on 01449 760343 or
May 9th
Chernobyl Childrens Life Line
an amazing night with Abbalicious one of the best Abba tributes
in the UK. Abbalicious the tribute show will dazzle you with their
vocals, choreography and stunning light show.
Prizes for best lookalike, Frida or Agnetha and best
Benny or Bjorn
Needham Market Community Centre
7.30pm till Late Bar Open
Tickets from CCLL Charity Shop, High Street Needham Market
01449 760343
Tickets £10.00 in advance £12.00 on the door
fundraising event for Chernobyl Childrens Life Line Reg Charity
No: 1014274
Baptist Church
Families First
Jesus made children welcome, even to the discomfort of his disciples,
so we are trialing a Family Service on the first Sunday of
May (3rd) and June (7th) at 11.00am, particularly making children welcome.
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for
the kingdom of God belongs to such as these1.
Therefore monthly communion on the first Sunday of the month will be at
10.00 - 10.45am with an extended opportunity for praying together.
Jesus Dead or Alive?
The credibility of Christianity hangs on this one straightforward
question: did Jesus Christ come back to life a few days after he died
and was buried? His character claims and relevance for today all hinge
on this one issue. We have some copies of John Blanchards
booklet; Jesus dead or alive?, available to anyone who would
like to explore the evidence, assess the alternatives; conspiracy theories
and all, and discover there is only one convincing answer to the question.
Please contact Mark for a copy.
Regular Sunday
Morning Programme (You are welcome to join us for all or part of the
10.00-10.30 Prayer Meeting
10.45-11.15 Bible Study
11.30-12.00 Worship
12.00-12.30 Sermon
Other Meetings
Children and Young People (During term time) Wednesday Club: 6.30-7.30pm
for primary school children; 14+ Fridays: 8.00-9.30pm Year 9 upwards.
Meetings for Ladies:
Womens Fellowship 2.30pm Friday 8th May
Friends and Neighbours: 7.45pm Monday 18th May.
Contact Mark if you
need transport.
Meetings are held at the Baptist Chapel, Chapel Lane, Somersham IP8 4QE.
Pastor Mark Newcombe, 01473 831940, mobile: 07930543583, email:
SERVICES in our 8 linked parishes
If you think there
may be a mistake in the rota please contact your Churchwarden.
Please contact a Churchwarden
if you think that there is a mistake in the listing. Thank you.
May 4th Sunday of Easter
Family Communion by extension
9.00am |
Holy Communion
Rev S Ritchie
9.30am |
Communion Rev S Ritchie |
11.15am |
Prayer |
11.15am |
Prayer |
Barking |
May Easter 5
Holy Communion by extension
am |
Family Service
am |
Holy Communion (Rev S Ritchie) |
10.00am |
Communion(Rev S Ritchie) |
11.15am |
Service |
am |
Battisford |
Prayer |
3.00pm |
Prayer |
May Easter 6
service at Somersham |
Somersham |
Service + Holy Comm. by ext. |
Offton |
Service (Rev M Wainwright) |
Communion (Rev M Wainwright) |
11.15 am |
Evening Prayer |
6.00pm |
Flowton |
21st May Ascension Day
7.30pm Needham Market Deanery Communion Service
May Easter 7
Communion Rev S Ritchie |
worship for all ages |
10.00am |
Flowton |
Prayer |
Communion Rev S Ritchie |
11.00am |
Offton |
Prayer John Andreason |
6.30pm |
May Pentecost
10.00am Battisford United Family Communion for all our parishes (Bishop
John Waine)
June 2nd
7.30pm Licensing of Rev Canon Bernard Rose to our 8 parishes in Barking
June Trinity Sunday
10.00am Willisham United Holy Communion for our 8 parishes
Forthcoming events
at a glance
(extracts only, please check the Link articles for more details. It does
not include regular church services)