The Link Magazine
Linking the villages of - Somersham, Willisham, Offton and Flowton - Suffolk
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Somersham Offton Willisham Flowton Offton & Willisham PC |
Jake was one of them. He drove a white car. It seemed quite big when delivering to the crowded streets of London but not so big at the transport cafe. The van was old and slow but he had got used to that: did not like to be hassled. One morning, he was driving in one of those road works that goes on for ages, with speed cameras and very few people working, when he got hassled. It was a 7.5 tonner driving right up his ... . He could see the driver in the mirror; number one haircut, tattoos, menacing. Jake fired off a random prayer asking God to save him from this road hog. To his amazement, an answer came back, no. "What do you mean, no," retorted Jake, "normally there is no response at all, at best, yes, never no." "The answer is still, no." "Look God," Jake said, "you obviously don't know this bloke. I know where he lives: scruffy place, wrecked car, abandoned washing machine in the garden and his kids - well. He is certainly a person I do not want to be associated with." "That is just the point," said God, "you expect me to show love and justice to you even at your worst, and anyway, his wife has already prayed to me asking if I could look after him. She has four children under six, no money and he is the only breadwinner." Jake hardly needed to look in the mirror: his tormentor filled it; mouthing obscenities, sticking his finger up and yet Jake felt responsible for him, just for the moment. If that man went too fast he may loose his licence, and his job. Jake drove at about 40, adjusting when near the cameras, did not want to appear too good. End of works in sight. Everyone speeds up. He passes Jake, flashing lights, horn, finger up. Jake did not care, for he had helped him and his family through that bit. You shall love your neighbour, the good book says. Until now, he never knew what it really meant. Thank you God." No answer. "Well what do you expect. " He muttered. "Things are back to normal." He drove on, filled with heavenly thoughts, until an overdressed 4x4 cut him up. That really rattled Jake, he hit the horn, flashed the lights and started shouting and God, who had not really left him, smiled at man's fickle nature.
*************************************** Bible Readings and
Psalms for our Sunday Worship taken from the Revised Common Lectionary.
It is good to be sharing the reading of Scripture with Christians - both
Catholic and Protestant - across the world. 9th February Green 16th February Green 23rd February Green ****************************************** The
Link on the Web You may have noticed that for over six months now there has been an internet address on the front of your Link magazine which enables those of you with access to the internet to view the pages 'on line'. Since the web page was launched around 1,000 people have accessed the pages either by keying in the address themselves or by linking into our site from search engines or other sites. If you have not already had a look at the 'on line' version of the Link you may not realise that it also holds back issues which can be accessed and searched from the main page. If you want to look for specific information just type in the word or words you are looking for in the search box and it will take you to the information you are looking for. So remember if you can't find your copy of the Link and you want to check the date of an event you can search for it on the internet. Also if you work or move away from the area but want to keep in touch with what is going on in the villages you now have an easy way to do so. There are links from the web site to the Mid Suffolk District Council's web site and to local club and societies giving you the opportunity to find out more about what is happening around the area. On our internet pages there are colour photographs of the four churches plus Somersham Village Hall and Somersham School. It would be very easy to include digital photographs of events such as School events, Summer Fetes and Flower Festivals so if you are a budding local photographer using a digital camera you are welcome to send in relevant photographs for inclusion in future issues to me at and if we can use them we will. Thanks from "The Link" to Joan for putting the magazine online each month.
Page last updated: 25-Feb-2009 |
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