The Link Magazine
Linking the villages of - Somersham, Willisham, Offton and Flowton - Suffolk
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You may have the impression that the Church does not overly concern itself with the non-human parts of God's creation. The Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals is seeking to address this by promoting " concern and awareness related to all aspects of God's animal creation within the Anglican Church and the wider Christian Community." Animals were an important part of the Celtic understanding of life and they appear with the saints in numerous delightful stories. One such story is that of St. Kevin, he was so gentle and kind that a blackbird built her nest in his outstretched hand; he kept perfectly still until the eggs were hatched and the young were fledged. In Genesis 1.26 God
said: Our interpretation of this word 'dominion' as despotism can be traced back to Aristotle; his Instrumentalist philosophy has been the prevalent influence on Western religious thinking, leading to untold daily suffering for countless animals. Two million animals are heartlessly slaughtered every day in the UK alone. A better interpretation
of dominion, in line with Christ like divine generosity, is that the care
of the weak and defenceless has the moral priority. It is our responsibility
to tend and care for our gentle companions on earth, the animals: It takes 12 to 18 lbs. of grain to produce 1lb of beef; if we in the west reduced our meat consumption by as little as 10%, then enough land, water and energy would be freed to feed 40 million currently starving people. So caring about animals is also about caring for people. Please bring the animals
you love to our special animal blessing service at Offton on Animal Welfare
Sunday, Peta Whiting
to: May she grow in faith
May she rest in peace
1st June Seventh Sunday
of Easter White 8th June Day of Pentecost
Red 15th June Trinity
Sunday Gold or White 22nd June First Sunday
after Trinity Green 29th June St Peter
and St Paul Red
On Saturday April
19th we heard of the death, at home, of our friend Betty Gabell, after
a long illness very bravely borne. Flowton News
Many thanks to the team of grasscutters who are making Flowton churchyard look so good; thanks also to Warren and Brenda for the refreshments they supply, which are much appreciated. If you are able to help please contact Peter Rawley (658175) or Gordon Watkins (658394) for the next date. At the Annual PCC Meeting, Diana and Keeley were thanked for their work as Churchwardens; Keeley has resigned and her place has been taken by Margaret Laflin. Sue Pearman has resigned and we thank her for 10 years service as Secretary; we are grateful to Judith Ewing for agreeing to take on that position.
Hope the tabletop
sale went O.K. and you got a few bargains. We are holding a Bingo session at school on Thursday 5th June and are very pleased that Hilary has agreed to come and "call" for us. The charge is £1.00 per person which includes a bingo book and refreshments (drink or two and a packet of crisps for the children) We have such fun at the Beetle Drives and are hoping this proves as popular. Of course our BIG one is this month. The Summer Fair will be held, as usual, on the school field and new playground. There are many of the old favourites but also some new attractions including the "Flower/Produce Show". By now we hope you will be well on the way to getting things organised for the classes you are going to enter. It's such a lovely old-fashioned country thing to do, we're really looking forward to it. If you haven't got your entry form by now you can still get one from the Post Office, the garage or the school. Look out for the posters that will be around letting you know which attractions are coming. See you all there and have a lovely time.
fete on Saturday 21st June Items for the tombola, plants, bric
a brac and books would be very welcome. Contact Ian, Lucy or Anne, History of Offton Church On 12 April last, a group of people listened to a lecture on the history of Offton Church. Those of you who did not make it that night missed a treat, as Mrs. Silke Pinson-Roxburgh delighted the audience with a thoroughly prepared talk, and, aided by state of the art equipment showed many slides, not only of details of the building but also of incumbents and prominent members of the congregation down the years. Some of the information
came from the daughter of Rev. Welsh, a vicar in the 50s. She knew of
the talk through The Link, the contents of which is now available to anyone
in the world with access to the Internet. Homage was paid to Rev. John
Potter who started the magazine. What would he have said if he knew his
local had gone global!
Somersham CSC The season is now
in full swing but the Stars have had relatively little action due to a
quirk of the fixtures, and our only league fixture to date has been at
Eaton. A couple of winter signings make them look In heat 1 both Richard Williamson and Andrew Mittell slid off under no pressure and this seemed to set the scene. Gary Brown was our only race winner in a lacklustre performance and 116-59 defeat. Mittell quickly returned to the same track for a British Junior League round and much better showing. Second place in the Under 16 age group was an excellent result, but a lack of support means the team is unlikely to qualify for the finals. Along with the recently launched Suffolk Junior League this competition offers an excellent opportunity for youngsters to break into the sport, but sadly not yet taken up by many from Somersham. A recent referee's
inspection has meant most of our attention has recently focussed on the
track - with spades and shovels! Some aspects were not up to scratch and
improvements ordered. After nearly 30 years, concreted areas were breaking
up and drains blocked with shale, but these issues have now been addressed.
A new concrete starting grid has been laid, and this work was carried
out entirely by our hard working track manager. Well done Peter! you can contact us
via (01473) 831474, e-mail
or take a look at the
Twin Village" is the subject of our next meeting on the 2nd June
at 7:30PM to be held at Somersham Village Hall. Janet Hodge is the speaker
. In April our members enjoyed a meeting featuring the "Cycling Granny" at Somersham Pavillion, a fantastic fashion and flower show at Debenham Community Centre and then at Gt. Blakenham Village Hall a speaker on the subject of the "Escaping Society". This is a charity sponsored by the RAF for those prisoners of war who escaped and their helpers in France, Belgium and other countries who at great risk to themselves shielded and led them to safety. Gillian Wilson (01473) 658782 President Reputations Just outside Cambridge there is a fast food restaurant logo that, unless you look very carefully, you could mistake for a Macdonald's sign. Recently Macdonald's opened a restaurant on the same site. Surprising as Ronald McDonald is so jealous over his corporate logo. Reputations are hard won and easily lost. So it is also surprising that God tied his reputation so tightly to the Church. Just a little knowledge of history demonstrates that the Church has too often given God a bad name. But Christians who make up the Church are just ordinary people who have owned up to their faults and have come to rely on Jesus for any credit. In the Church the love and patience of God are displayed as he takes each one who belongs to him and builds the character of Jesus into the most unlikely specimens. It's not an exclusive club, Jesus said 'it is not the healthy who need a Doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners'. (Mark 2:17.) Don't be afraid to check your local Church out, its not the finished article yet, God is still at Work, and he might even be planning to take you on too! Regular meetings
* Junior Church for School Years 1-6. Ladies Meetings Children and Young
People (Held during term time) Christianity Explained; Six sessions, which deal with Jesus, Salvation and becoming a Christian, to find out more contact Mark. Contacts;
SERVICES in our 8 linked parishes June 1st Seventh Sunday of Easter
June 8th Day of Pentecost
June 15th Trinity Sunday
June 29th St Peter and St Paul
The very light evenings are giving rise to complaints in some areas concerning noise generated by children playing in the streets. If your children are out and about, please ensure you know where they are and what they are doing; you may not be able to hear them but is someone else suffering for your peace and quiet? Do you want to see
your beat officer get soaking wet? It is the time of
year when I will be visiting Ringshall and Somersham Schools for cycle
safety training, but it is also a good time to remind you all to check
the safety of your child's cycle. Some of those I have seen being ridden
around could do with a good service to ensure brakes and steering are
in good order. Don't put your child at risk for the sake of a few minutes
to check their cycle. Thank
Many thanks to everyone who supported Christian Aid Week by leaving their envelopes at designated collection points.- thanks to them too and the magazine distributors for delivering the envelopes. We will let you know how much was collected in Somersham in the next magazine. The Flower Festival & Open Gardens Weekend 2003 - See advert elsewhere with all the details but there's always room for more helpers! If you would like to help make the weekend a success, please ring Pat Woolhouse or Christine Jarrold. Churchyard grass
- You probably appreciate how neat and tidy the churchyard always looks,
and this is due to Denis and John keeping the grass cut regularly. There
must be a few more who would be willing to help with this job now and
again during the summer months to give Denis and John the occasional break.
If so please get in touch with them or Pat Woolhouse.
FRENCH VISIT TO SOMERSHAM It was with real pleasure
that we welcomed our visitors from Challain-la-Potherie to our village
and into our homes over the May Bank Holiday weekend. Gill Fordham: 831529
David Haughton: 831511 Playingfield Project - Update Since our last article in February we have been working on the large amount of preparation that is needed just to get a project off the ground. We have created a Business Plan, Project Plan, Cost Analysis and Development Plan. All of these will be refined as we consult more widely and gather more information. We have received good support from Mid Suffolk District Council who employ development officers to help these initiatives. At the moment the
sub-committee see our plans falling into four parts: It has not been decided
yet whether to tackle these parts altogether, in groups or singularly. In the meantime, we are holding discussions with Somersham Football Club to see how their aspirations for the future of football in Somersham can be linked with the project. If you would like to help with this project or have any comments please contact any of the following: Terry Fordham - Tel
831529 Mike Shelmerdine - Tel 831661
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