"Will you not
revive us again,
that your people may rejoice in you?" Psalm 85, v.6Dear Reader,
There is rejoicing, linked with national honour, that comes with success
in sport - tennis or soccer, rugby or cricket. As to which nation of the
British Isles, and which sport - I have to keep an open mind as I've just
come back from staying with family in Wales. Sport and recreation telescope
our sense of time: the joy of play brings us back with renewed Recently
though, for several members of my very extensive family, it has been difficult
to adjust to doing nothing at all.
Not old, they expect
to earn their way, keep house, tidy the garden, do their share of driving,
fetching and carrying. 'This year, next year, sometime...' they are going
to get better; meantime worst of all is the frustration of depending on
other people. These are do-ers. Asking someone just to 'be' and not to
'do' is to question the purpose of their existence.
Were we put on this earth just to achieve and to keep busy?
Are we not loved as we are? Jesus loves me 'just as I am'.
On such love I rest. I don't claim attention for any merit or achievement
now or ever, because I cannot be loved more than I am already. God accepts
us through the merits and death of His Son.
It is good just to 'be'. Abiding with God in the present, this is life-giving,
not fretting about how things will work out in the future. Rest, whether
enforced or chosen, gives us the much-needed opportunity to receive from
Him; He refreshes us spiritually as well as reviving us physically in
due time.
May God be with you, whatever the successes and failings,
From the registers:
Farewell to
Philip James Jarrold, of Great Blakenham, whose ashes were interred in
Somersham churchyard on May 10th.We extend our sympathy to his widow,
Grace, and his wider family and friends.
May he rest in peace
It was with regret
that we accepted the resignation of Pip Sands from the Benefice choir
after at least 20 years of service. We have all been encouraged by his
ability and skills, and greatly enjoyed the times when he has taken on
special roles in our musical productions.
Thank you, Pip, for your voice and company. We will miss you. Now you
can sit back and listen to others, and maybe hum along with them?
As we say Thank
you, goodbye, and keep in touch to Lucy Vignoles, we welcome Judith
Newman who has bravely stepped into the breach and is editing this edition.
We hope she will not find it too daunting and will become a permanent
member of the team. Thank you, Judith.
Primary School
When we first thought about this month it seemed there was not an
awful lot to report. Then we read the diary for June/July!
As we sure you can appreciate as the time this piece is being written,
none of the following has happened but here is what we are going to be
up to....
A short course
of golf is going to be held on the field after school on Wednesdays, so
we thank the people next to the Water Park who are running it. My apologies
to this group who I can't for the life of me remember what they are called
but you all know who I mean.
We have a science workshop run by Shell. This will include the whole school
in different groups. Sounds interesting.
Class 2 have a pirate week coming up. There will be lots of activities
around this subject including special pottery lessons, where again
the whole school will be involved.
Class 4 are welcoming the new intake children for a session in the classroom.
The children will be able to start becoming familiar with their new surrounding,
having a play and getting to know the adults who will be looking after
We are joining in
with the British Heart Foundation 'Skippathon." This will be a sponsored
event. We feel it is of great importance that the children help other
people during the school year and this is one of two sponsored events
this term, the other being Shades for a Day. An event that has become
a custom at Somersham.
Class 2 are visiting Duxford as part of their World War II project. This
project never fails to capture the childrens attention and
many of them bring in items from grandparents.
Year 6 are on various trips. A rounders tournament with the pyramid
schools, 2 day trips to Claydon High and the annual treat to Solar Bowl
for breakfast and a game are all on the menu. They will also be preparing
for their leaver's assembly.
Sam and Frazer are joining us for their work experience for two weeks
will be roped in to help with an Active 8 day run by Ipswich Town F.C.
Obviously they are going to need their trainers that day! While the boys
are with us we will be having out class swop session, where all the children
spend time in their "from September" classroom.
We then move onto the last week of the school year when we have
sports day practice, sports day itself (we think Mrs. Chinnery will probably
be excused from running up and down the track this year) Leaver's assembly
and of course the Leavers Disco.
Heck, we will need a holiday after that lot.
And of course, good luck to all the Year Sixes, who are all on the
next big step of their journey through life. Have a great time,
behave yourselves and grasp all those opportunities which will come
your way.
As another school year rapidly draws to a close, we hope that those of
you that attended the school fete on 24th June, had a very enjoyable afternoon
and we are sure that some of you were delighted to win some of the excellent
prizes that were so kindly donated. Our sincere thanks must be extended
to the many people that so kindly helped us before the event and also
on the day. Without your help we would not be able to hold such an event.
We will provide you with details of the total raised in the next Link
We are now making plans for the end of year disco at the end of July,
when we say farewell to the year six pupils.
Prior to the school
holidays, we would like to remind everyone that we will once again be
having a Scarecrow Festival in the village on the weekend of Saturday
and Sunday 16th & 17th September 2006, 1- 4 p.m. After such a fantastic
response last year, we hope that as many of you as possible will join
in with this fun weekend. There is no such theme to the Festival so you
are all able to use your extensive artistic talents in making your scarecrows.
However, if you wish to join in, PLEASE can you contact Jenny King on
(01473) 830623 by Tuesday 12th September at the latest so that the location
of your scarecrow(s) can be included in the programme. This year, the
scarecrows will be judged and there will be a large hamper for first prize.
If you do not live in Somersham, but would like to join in, we can make
arrangements to display your scarecrows at the school where refreshments
will be available.
Somersham Baptist Church
What no Church!
On Sunday 2nd July we are not meeting in Somersham. We have an Away Day
at Wetheringsett Manor with worship and word in the morning then a relaxing
afternoon in the Manor grounds. Please contact Mark if you would like
to join us.
Youth Sunday 9th
Our annual invasion of teenagers from a Felixstowe church provides a great
opportunity to focus on young people. If youre young and thought
about try out Christianity, this will be a good introduction.
Fantasy Football 2006/07
season. This has been running for a few years now and involves a group
of enthusiasts in friendly competition. This is an internet based game,
with a real life auction on July 10th at 7.45pm, and transfer nights through
the season. We are hoping to present the Fantasy World Cup Winner with
their trophy on the 10th. For details of costs contact stephen.bullard@msaccountancy.co.uk
Regular Sunday Morning
Programme (You are welcome to join us for all or part of the morning).
10.00-10.30 Prayer Meeting
10.45-11.15 Bible Study (Communion 1st Sunday)
11.30-12.00 Worship
12.00-12.30 Sermon
Other Meetings
Children and Young People (During term time);
Wednesday Club 6.30-7.30pm for primary school children,
14+ Fridays 8.00-9.30pm Year 9 upwards.
Meetings for Ladies;
Womens Fellowship 2.30pm 9th June.
Friends and Neighbours 17th July 7.45pm Local Politics - why bother? Talk
by Dave Cooper. You are very welcome to join us!
All events are held at the Baptist Chapel, Chapel Lane, Somersham.
Pastor Mark Newcombe 01473 831940 Mobile 07930 543583. e-mail mark.newcombe@btinternet.com
Colin Low 01473 464833 or Edwin Mayhew on 01473 658100. Web site www.somersham.com
Church Notes
There are no social
church events planned for July and August but we hope that you will all
enjoy these summer months. Services in church will be as usual in July,
and for August please look at the back of Link.
You may like to make
a note of these dates in September on your calender.
Friday 8th at 7.30pm --Church Supper
Saturday 9th--- SHCT Cycle Ride
Sunday 10th at 5pm--- Harvest Festival
Saturday 30th at 7.30pm ---Annual Whist Drive
For further details on these contact either Ian on 658637 or Paul on 01449
In next months issue of the Link we will be able to give you the result
of the Offton Fete versus Paraguay match!
Thank you!
Helen Decker (nee Martin) thanks all who sponsored her run in the London
Marathon. You donated a total of £360 for the St. Elizabeth Hospice.
She hopes to run again next year-watch here for details.
Cllr. Chris Storey
was reappointed as Chairman for the year ahead. The Parishes are fortunate
in being represented by Councillors who maintain a long term commitment,
resignations very rarely occur.The Parish Meeting enjoyed a talk by Ms
Brinkley from MSDC about 'Affordable Housing', but it seems improbable
that such houses, involving rental or shared equity status would be considered
for our Parishes because they lack the required local infrastructure.Accounts
for the year ending March 2006 were accepted by the Council and are now
being presented for Audit.
Date for the next
meeting is July 10th.
Pip Sands tel 01449
Clerk to the Council
Somersham Parish Council
July 2006
Forthcoming Parish
Council Meetings
Wednesday 5th July 2006 - 7.30pm - Playing Field Pavilion
Wednesday 6th September 7.30pm Committee Room, Village Hall
Wednesday 4th October 7.30pm - Playing Field Pavilion
New Parish Councillor
Councillors were delighted to welcome Geoff Kelly as a co-opted member
to the Parish Council. Geoff moved to Somersham a short while ago and
works at the Port of Felixstowe. He is keen to become involved in the
life of the community and we are sure he will prove to be an active and
valuable member of the Council.
Risk Assessment Policy
The Parish Council has adopted a Risk Assessment Policy under which all
parish council activities will be assessed for risks. The objectives of
the policy are to identify things which may cause harm to colleague or
others, or which may cause the council to suffer a financial loss, to
consider the chance of that harm and to enable the council to plan, introduce
and monitor preventative measures to ensure that risks can be controlled.
Each time a councillor or the clerk undertakes business on behalf of the
council the activity will be assessed by the completion of a Risk Assessment
Form and a register kept
Emergency Plan
Parish Councils are being encouraged to formulate an Emergency Plan for
their community in line with Emergency Plans produced by the higher tiers
in local government. Somersham Parish Council is working on the production
of a plan which will identify resources available, co-ordinate communication
and transport options and assist vulnerable people in the event of an
emergency in the village.
Energy Saving Advice
The Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre Anglia is government funded to provide
free and impartial energy saving advice to householders to reduce carbon
emissions that cause climate change and save money on fuel bills. For
further information please call free on 0800 512 012, or email info@est-anglia.org.uk.
Anglian Energy Services is a non-profit making organisation managed and
operated by Peterborough Environment City AES (a registered charity).
For every individual who switches to AES £30 will be donated to
the parish council to spend on local initiatives. They will also assist
residents to access funding to insulate their homes. Please contact 0800
783 4761, or visit www.angliaenergyservidces.co.uk
The 2005/6 Audit
of Accounts
The audit the parish council accounts for the financial year 2005/6 is
currently taking place. Electors have the opportunity to inspect and make
copies of the Annual Return and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers
and receipts for the year ended 31st March. These documents will be available
on reasonable notice of application to the Clerk between the hours of
10.00am 6.00pm Monday to Friday from 13th June to 11th July 2006.
The audit is being carried out by Lubbock Fine of Russell Bedford House,
250 City Road, London, EC1V 2QQ and questions can be made to the auditor
after the 14 July 20906.
Somersham Hedgerow
A small team is undertaking the hedgerow survey in Somersham this summer.
The survey began some years ago, but unfortunately ceased when the former
team of volunteers were unable to carry on. The co-ordinator of the new
team would appreciate a few more offers from volunteers who can assist
in getting the hedgerow survey completed this year. The work is enjoyable
and can be undertaken at your convenience. Please contact the Clerk initially
who will be pleased to pass on details.
School Organisation
The County Council has launched a major review of the way schools are
organised within Suffolk. A Policy Development Panel is leading the review
and the Panel is keen to receive the views of parents, key partners and
the wider public. Consultation forms have been produced and are available
from all Suffolk libraries or the County Council website. Forms can also
be found in the next issue of About Suffolk, the County Councils
newspaper. The consultation period ends of the 15th August.
Janet Clarke
Clerk to the Council
Tel. No. 01473 830398 E-mail: janetinclaydon@aol.com
SERVICES in our 8 linked parishes
If you think there
may be a mistake in the rota please contact your Churchwarden.
July 3rd Sunday after Trinity
Holy Communion
9.30am |
Prayer |
10.00am |
Bricett |
Communion |
11.15am |
Prayer |
11.15am |
Prayer |
3.00pm |
Communion |
6.30pm |
July 4th Sunday after Trinity
Communion |
8.00am |
Flowton |
of Praise |
am |
Communion |
10.00am |
Bricett |
Communion with Baptism |
11.15am |
Barking |
Service |
11.15am |
Battisford |
Prayer |
3.00pm |
Willisham |
of Praise |
6.30pm |
Offton |
July 5th Sunday after Trinity
Communion |
8.00am |
Somersham |
Service +Communion by ext. |
Offton |
Service |
10.00am |
Ringshall |
Communion |
11.15am |
Battisford |
Prayer |
pm |
Flowton |
23 July 6th Sunday after Trinity
Communion |
9.30am |
Ringshall |
Worship |
10.00am |
Flowton |
Communion |
11.00am |
Offton |
Prayer |
11.15am |
Barking |
Prayer |
6.30pm |
July 7th Sunday after Trinity
Parishes' Family Communion & Picnic
11.00am |
PC David Clark
Community Beat Officer
Tel: 01473 613500
Notes From
Your Community Police Officer- PC 466 Dave Clark
Hello again,
One of the most despicable crimes involves Rogue Traders.
In simple terms, Rogue Traders are involved in criminal deception, they
pray on the elderly and the vulnerable. But they also target trusting
people of all ages. They can be difficult to spot and will arrive on your
doorstep uninvited and suddenly.
Their aim is to ridiculously
overcharge you for the least work (totally shoddy or unnecessary) that
they do or do not carry out. They may just demand a deposit for materials
and you will never see them again.
They will bully you and even escort you to the Bank to get you to give
them cash.
* We just happen to be in the area and have noticed your
* We have been laying a drive up the road and have some tarmac left over
These are just a couple of the ploys they will use to get you to agree
to the work.
Make it an absolute
policy NEVER to buy anything at the door, this includes having any roofing,
building, driveways laid, gardening, and tree trimming - however urgent
they tell you it is!Crimes of note:
Offton 28th May car broken into wallet and other items stolen
Somersham 19th May theft of car rims and tyres from garden
If you have any information or would like any advice on police matters
I would be more than happy to discuss this with you. I can be contacted
at Stowmarket Police station on 01473 613500 or by email david.clark@suffolk.pnn.police.uk
As previously Pc Sally Parkes will be my deputy she can also be
contacted on the above telephone number or sally.parkes@suffolk.pnn.police.uk
Please remember that there are occasions when I am on rest days for 4
days so if your call is of an urgent nature please ask to speak to an
officer on duty.
Thanks very much.
PC 466 Dave Clark
PC David Clark
01473 383390 Stowmarket Police Station
01473 613500 Police Headquarters

PC 466 David Clark

To go to the Suffolk Police web site please click here
go to the Neighbourhood Watch site of Suffolk Police click here
Cycle Speedway
May started with Round
2 of the Suffolk Under 9,Under 11 and Under 13 Grand Prix at Gt Blakenham
on the 3rd.There were 7 Somersham riders in attendance and their scores
were as follows(all from 4 rides unless stated):
UNDER 9:Jack Barnes 15,Morgan Borrett 14,Fraser Borrett 9,Jake Copping
& Joe Hodge 8 each
UNDER 11:Michael Garrod 12
UNDER 13:Carl Gooding 5 from 3 rides
3 days later Barry Copping rode in the Norwich Grand Prix and scored 8
points from 5 rides, having accepted an invite to ride the previous night.
He also rode on the 10th in Round 2 of the Suffolk Under 15,Under 17 and
Senior Grand Prix at Kesgrave in the Senior category and scored 9 points
from 4 rides. Gary Brown also rode at Kesgrave, winning all 4 of his races
for a 16 point haul.
The 14th should have
seen us host Gt Blakenham in the South-East Division 1 but following a
torrential thunderstorm the previous day the match was to become Somershams
1st rained off fixture for nearly 5 seasons.
The 17th saw a return
to Whitton Sports Centre to face Ipswich,this time in the Norfolk &
Suffolk League.The Stars emerged victorious by 80 points to 73 but there
was one downside for that match in as much as only 5 riders fronted up
for Somersham.On the upside those 5 riders included Andy Mittell,who made
his 1st appearance of the season,having been struck down with glandular
fever just before the season started.Gary Brown was top scorer with 20+3
with Richard Williamson weighing in with 19.
The 28th saw the 1st of 2 matches involving the Stars & Gt. Blakenham
take place at Gt Blakenham in the South-East Division 1 against their
06 team. The home side were short on numbers(only 5 riders
fronted up) and luck but Somersham were in no mood for favours and emerged
victorious by 88 points to 59. Richard Williamson was the pick of the
Stars,dropping only 1 point and receiving good support from Gary Brown
who scored 16+2 and Barry Copping who scored 16
2 days later the teams met at Somersham (in the Norfolk & Suffolk
League this time) with Blakenham not wanting any slips and fielding a
full strength line-up.The meeting was delayed while a heavy shower swept
through, but completed in somewhat wintry conditions. Andy Mittell was
back to form for the home side scoring 18+1 and he received good support
from Dave Palfreyman but it was not enough as Blakenham emerged victorious
by 88 points to 71
June 3rd saw Peter Mittell riding in the Veterans Welsh Grand Prix(with
Over 40s and Over 50s racing together) at Newport where he
scored 11 points to finish 3rd in the Over 50s category.
The following day saw Round 2 of the East Anglian Grand Prix series take
place at Hethersett with Somersham interest provided by Gary Brown and
Barry Copping who scored 15 and 8 points respectively to qualify for the
A! final where they finished 2nd and 4th respectively
June 7th saw the 3rd round of the Suffolk Under 15,Under 17 & Senior
Grand Prix staged at Somersham who had riders in all 3 categories.Their
scores are as follows(All from 4 rides unless stated):
UNDER 15: Michael Garrod 9,Jordan Chester-Flatt 8 UNDER 17:Adam Cotterell
5 from 3 rides
SENIOR:Gary Brown 16,Barry Copping 13,Peter Mittell 12,Steve Copping 4
A review of the other June fixtures will appear in the next issue.
Among the events taking place in July Wednesday 5th will see Somersham
stage a Suffolk Under 13 Team Tournament starting at 7pm.The European
Championships are being held at Wednesfield from Friday 21st to Sunday
23rd and there will be Somersham interest here with Richard Williamson
and the Copping brothers due to be taking part. Sunday 30th sees Round
3 of the East Anglian Grand Prix at Somersham,starting at 1pm.
Thats it for now
Steve Copping (sjccopping@aol.com)
Club Secretary:Peter Mittell 01473 831474
Website address:www.btinternet.com/~somershamcsc
Church News
As I write the church
has just been spring-cleaned and the churchyard grass is due to be cut
again in three days time. The cups and plates are getting an extra wash,
and gardens are being given a final tidy-up. And, in the background, ladies
are lending each other various items for the displays. Thank you to everybody
who has worked so hard for and during -the Flower Festival and Gardens
Open weekend. New people are coming forward with offers of help in many
ways and the PCC are most grateful to you all. I just pray the beautiful
weather will continue for our weekend.
As you read this you know how things have gone and are enjoying well deserved
rests maybe going round to visit other villages to see how they
have done things!
As we prepare for
the festival, our thoughts and best wishes go out to Ross Lusby and Odette
as they prepare for their wedding in Romania we look forward to
seeing the pictures when they return.
Thanks to all who
collected, and those who gave for Christian Aid. I hope to publish the
total next month.
Following the success
of the Good Friday workshop we hope to have a birds and bugs
workshop near the end of the school holidays date in next months
The family of the
late Miss Winnie Jackaman generously let us borrow her archives for the
Festival, and we hope to include some of her photos in future Link Newsletters.
Dates for your diary:
Harvest tea and Harvest Praise -Sunday October 1st tea at 4.30pm,
service at 5.15pm
Harvest Supper Friday October 6th at 7.30pm at Flowton Hall
Congratulations to
Lisa Rawley (daughter of Mary and Peter) who won a Silver Gilt award at
the Chelsea Flower show with her Fleur-de-Lis exhibit. Well
Village Walk 13th May
In spite of rain earlier in the day, the evening of the 13th remained
dry, and approximately 60 people assembled at 5.30pm sharp for our fifth
successive Evening Walk. We were divided into two groups, lead by John
Minns and Richard Last, and set off for approximately five miles of glorious
views accompanied by snippets of local history. At approximately 8.45pm
we returned to Derrick Hill for a wonderful spread of refreshments. Once
again our sincere thanks to John Minns for arranging the walk and to Richard
Last for all his help. To Leita and Jenny and their helpers for providing
such a feast. We raised £302.50 on the day, but as much of this
money was gift aided, a further £80 should be added to this sum.
Thanks to everyone who supported this event and please note that next
years walk is planned for Saturday the 12th May.
Gift Aid
The previous paragraph shows what Gift Aid can add to our income. If you
pay income tax at the normal rate, a further 28p per £1 is added
to your giving, and we have recently received a cheque for £377
from the Inland Revenue for the year 2005/2006. So do please use the envelopes
placed in the church pews.
Coffee Morning
The recent coffee morning raised £85 for church funds thanks
to everyone who supported this event.
Christian Aid
Thanks to all who returned their envelope during Christian Aid Week
a total of £47 was raised.
5TH &
Including Cream Teas
In aid of Willisham Church
From 2.00pm
much more