The Link Magazine
Linking the villages of - Somersham, Willisham, Offton and Flowton - Suffolk
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Reader, In 21st century Britain, so we're told, the average family no longer has 2.4 children, but finds itself much reduced. A 'gathering of the clans' as a family get-together is much bigger, but the family spending time together on holiday is likely to be a smaller unit, probably two generations - parent(s) and offspring. The Bible tells of families worshipping - such as the Holy Family with the 12-year old Jesus, travelling as part of a large crowd, on foot to and from Jerusalem. It took his parents three days to find him - how distraught they must have been! God himself is described as 'a father to the fatherless' and as the one 'from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.' He wants us to know love, to learn loyalty and trust, to have both security and the room to grow: this is his purpose for us, fulfilled first of all within a family. It's rather a good pattern, it doesn't happen automatically, and we play our part, actively. It's not about giving 'things' but about spending time with others of the family - taking an attentive interest in what's important to a younger member. A parent of grandparent with their child can develop something they 'always do': the bedtime story, taking a particular route home from school or club, walking the dog (which I am missing at the moment.) These are patterns which we build - together. God ..established
the law
. which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children,
so that the next generation would know them
and they in turn would
tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and
would keep his commands.' Let's be a good link in the chain.
3rd July St Thomas the Apostle John 20. 24-29 10th July Seventh Sunday after Trinity Matthew 13. 1-9, 18-23 17th July Eighth Sunday after Trinity Matthew 13. 24-30, 36-43 24th July Ninth Sunday after Trinity Matthew 13. 31-33, 44-52 31st July Tenth Sunday after Trinity Matthew 14. 13-21
On Wednesday, 20th July we are invited to join the Hadleigh MU for a service in Hadleigh Church led by our old friend, Hilary Griffin and followed by a stroll across the church yard for a cream tea in the Guildhall garden. Transport will leave Somersham at 1.30pm and we hope all our members will be able to join us for what is always a very happy time of fellowship with friends in another branch. CHURCH FLOWER AND CLEANING ROTA
Cleaning July = A August Team = B Flowton Cleaning July - Mr and Mrs G Watkins June - Mrs S and Miss A Pearman Offton Cleaning July - Mrs Janet Crickmore Willisham 888888888888888888888888888888888888 Somersham Church Notes A very entertaining concert by the Ladies Co-op Choir held in the church in May raised £253 for church funds. A very big thank you to the choir, who we hope will come and sing for us again, also to everyone who donated food and drink for the supper, to Josie for decorating the church and to the lighting expert! The sum of £311.21 has been sent to Christian Aid from Somersham. Once again thank you to all who helped with the house-to-house collection in the village during Christian Aid week, and of course to everyone for donating so generously. See advert elsewhere
for details of the "Somersham on Show" weekend. We hope
that many of you will take the time over the weekend of 9th & 10th
July to have a walk round the village and enjoy the gardens, exhibitions
and stalls.
Division 3 The Reserves Clubman of the Year
- Derek Ottaway Well done to all of
the players this season, the management, the backroom boys and the supporters.
Unfortunately both teams seem to have just missed out on promotion, depending
on League reshuffles, but already plans are being made to change the outcome
next season. Friendly matches begin in August and the league kicks off
on the first weekend of September. Hope to see you then.
The Association is responsible for the upkeep of the playing field, the pavilion, and children's play area, and has to raise funds to cover running costs such as insurance, repairs and improvements. All fund raising and most of the work is done by volunteers (a very few most of the time). A shower block was added to the original wooden pavilion in 1981 and a wooden tower slide was added to the play area in 1993/4. In 1992 another big decision was reached and a huge fund-raising effort took place to pay for the present brick pavilion, a cost of just under £80,000. The Constitution is based on standard issue by the Charity Commission but is translated in a more simplistic manner. Apart from the usual Executive Officers all active local organisations are invited to send a representative member to act as a committee member on the C.A. They can also elect or co-opt individuals who wish to further the aims of the CA or who have a particular interest that they wish to pursue. Individuals can express their interests, comment or concerns to the Committee through any of these committee members. One of the representative associations is the Sports and Social Club that can be used by any signed up member whether they belong to a representative association or not. This means that a sociable drink and a bit of chat can be had during and after football or speedway matches and any other public events held in the Pavilion during normal licensing hours. At present the Football Club is the biggest user and contributes the lions share of the running costs through rent and bar income. The pavilion is for hire to private parties. Such a lot of hard work has been put in to the project from its creation in 1964 until now, 41 years later. We owe a big thank you to all those who helped the project in any way over the years. It is an ongoing process that needs occasional input of new faces, fresh ideas and endless enthusiasm. The best way to show our appreciation of those who did all the work is to use the facility as much as possible, to as look after it, and even more, to offer a bit of help now and then. It is there to be enjoyed - enjoy it! Nicky Heming Somersham CSC Link News The losing streak has come to an end after visitors Hethersett were sent packing following their defeat at Somersham. Andrew Mittell was unbeaten by an opponent and received good support from Lee Pike as Stars raced to a comfortable 98-80 victory. It was just reward
after some close defeats, like the one at Norwich where we went down by
3 points in another last heat decider. Gary Brown won the final race but
the Norwich tactics were clearly to secure the 2nd place they needed.
Barry Copping enjoyed the track and took his turn as top scorer. you can contact us
via (01473) 831474, e-mail
or take a look at the Somersham Parish Council July 2005 Parish Council
Meetings Council Vacancies Somersham Allotments Community Congratulations Keep Somersham
Tidy Janet Clarke Address: 7 Drury Road,
Claydon, IPSWICH, IP6 0ED
Somersham Primary School Hopefully this month
will be kind to us weather wise as we limber up for the end of term activities.
At the beginning of the month the new children are invited to visit Class
4 to meet Mrs. Svendsen and Julia, they will also be able to see the wonderful
resources we have. (If they don't want to join us in September after seeing
that, nothing will persuade them!) Happy Holidays everyone. have a great summer. p.s. Did you all have lovely afternoon with us in June? We certainly hope so. F.O.S.S. At the time of writing
this the Summer Fair has not yet taken place but we are hoping that everything
went smoothly and that we can now offer the school a nice sum of money
for further purchases. At the end of term
we are holding the annual Leavers Disco (again!) in the village hall and
everyone hopes the Year Sixes have a great Look out in next months Link for news on our Scarecrow weekend. Did you see the ones in Barking? The police one was extremely good? as was the horse, and did you see the little ones outside the village hall? ************************************
Somersham and District Gardening Club Many thanks to all who helped and supported us at our recent plant sale. We raised £196 for the club funds. Next
Meeting: August
S.O.S. Care
assistant required for young arthritic, disabled lady in Somersham. No
lifting involved. This young lady 34 years old, requires a part-time understanding and sensitive carer for assisting with her personal needs, social outings, hospital appointments, preparation and cooking of meals, etc. and the general running of her home. Also required is a person for light domestic duties. If you think that you could support this young lady to live independently in her own home by assisting with her personal, social and domestic needs then please contact Maureen 01473 327558 The
hours are flexible, good rates of pay with weekend enhancements.
BOOT SALES Enqs Lee or Anna-Maria 01473 - 833292
you post coded all your property? Have
you fitted a shed alarm and checked your garage and shed have good locks? Have
you checked your door locks and window locks to ensure they come up to
standard? Do
you check callers' identity before allowing then access to your home or
your details? Do
you know who your Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator is? On to the month's
events. Churches, Churches,
Churches. If you can assist with or require further information about any incident mentioned in these notes, please contact me on 01473 613500 (Force Headquarters). If I am not on duty ask to leave a voicemail message for Pc980 Shields. Please remember there are periods when I am rest day for 4 days. If you require urgent action do not leave message, speak to another officer.
Could a Grant help your Group? 1
year grants, from £250 - £7,000, Small voluntary or community groups working with children and young people can apply The
types of groups which have been funded so far include: arts & sports
activities, youth & uniformed clubs, Do you have a new project or activity that you would like to carry out and would a grant help your group give new opportunities to the children and young people in your area? Why not discuss your idea with Wendy Jephcote LNF Outreach and Support officer on 01473 242523 or to apply for an application pack please ring 0845 1130161 Give Wendy a ring today
for celebration:-
News Three dates for your diary:
Village Walk Throughout the walk we were regaled with fascinating snippets of local history. The weather was ideal and the evening ended with superb refreshments provided by Leita Minns and Jenny King. Our sincere thanks to John and Richard for once again organising such a splendid event, which raised £300 for church funds, and to Leita and Jenny for all their hard work. The provisional date for next year's walk is the 13th May. Coffee Morning Christian Aid Week
Church Fete - Saturday
16th July Sponsored Cycle
The birds and butterflies in our gardens You will be pleased to know that early in June at the time of going to print the swallows whose traumas at nesting time last year were the object of a great deal of our interest, are sitting on eggs in the shed in Flowton. So far this year all is going according to plan - we will keep you informed! In the same garden marsh tits are nesting in a box and whit throats, willow warblers and yellowhammers are much in evidence together with a pair of jays. At Gunns Farm we have been delighted to see a barn owl hunting over our fields again and in the daytime as well as evening which would indicate that there are young to feed. This is particular pleasure as we had no sighting last year at all. So far the chilly and very windy weather seems to be keeping butterfly numbers down but perhaps there will be more to report in our next issue when we hope that warmer weather will have arrived. If you have any wildlife sightings of interest in your village or garden this summer, do share with our readers. Contact any member of the Link team on the back cover.
We have managed once again to complete all the quinquennial work asked to be done by the Diocesan Architect. We have new floor tiling at the rear of the nave providing extra space for tables and chairs and room for various activities when required. The porch roof has been completely retiled and resorted and looks quite beautiful. The tiling at the east end of the nave has also been repaired and the new barge boards put on. A number of quoin stones were replaced in the buttresses and flint work repaired. The work has cost £10,500 and it is with a big thank you once again to the people who love and want to help our church that we have now been able to keep this part of our village heritage in tiptop condition. Our thanks too for
a grant of £500 from the Diocese and £1,500 from Suffolk Historic
Churches Trust reflecting our help to them through the sponsored cycle
rides over the years. Friday 13th 2005!! Reality has stopped on the A14, all our plans for the morning on hold. Someone has made a mistake, a misjudgement or whatever. It makes no difference. The radio warns, mobiles concur, there's a problem at the Orwell Bridge. Those stereotyped words summing up the damaged life at the distant front. All move over to let the ambulance through: no shouting, no horns. Just stoic acceptance. What can you do but sit and wait and idly pollute the morning air. Wake up! The somnambulant caterpillar has moved a distant segment. A ripple of anticipation runs down the queue. We move in our seats, hunter's eyes keen to detect another movement; but there is none. I look with envy at the other side, cruising slowly past our sinuous car park. Vehicles banked up the slip road, indicators flashing for no reason. Do we let them in? Definitely not, nose to tail we are. O.K. maybe. One at a time but make it quick because we are still in a hurry. Look at that other lane. I t always seems to move faster. The caterpillar effect has reached us. It is our lane that moves. How sweet is the joy of this moment. At the hill top is a vista: a queue stretching on and on. Don't stress. Rest a while and contemplate this police sign. Go Slow it says. If only we could. At last there is the crash, mangled metal, they all survived. It makes you think a bit, 'though what I really need is a toilet . Ian Dickson. Christian Aid A total sum of £35.16 was collected from Offton. Thank you to all of you who returned your envelopes and contributed.
Rat City - anon Cat
talking to a rat and walking with a bat Found left on the editor's doorstep recently - from whom? A demonstration of faith and family. Sitting at supper in a small hotel in northern Italy all the church bells in the town suddenly started pealing with hugely infectious excitement. Then we caught the sound of young voices singing a Te Deum. We all rushed to the window curious to see and hear. It was truly moving as the procession passed below us down the narrow street. The priests in sumptuous garb, one carrying a rich be-jewelled cross - held high under a canopy of embroidered silver, gold and red. The new communicants all in white scattered rose petals from wicker baskets in front of the priests. (One well-scrubbed little boy kicking the boy in front and giggling happily.) Behind the clergy the whole village, from the most infirm bent double and helped by son or daughter to the youngest in modern baby buggies, followed singing the responses and chattering cheerfully in between times. The community was out for the evening praising God, declaring their faith, unabashed, happy and together. LJV Somersham Baptist Church Sunday 3rd July sees our 11.30am meeting swelled by 25 teenage campers, so if you're young and had thought of trying out Church, then this is one Sunday where you will be able to blend in! On the subject of young people if you went to Sunday school here in the past do let Mark know as we have no records of Sunday school pupils and would like to meet you and hear of your experiences. Congratulations to
Brian and Linda Ruffles who celebrate their 40th Wedding anniversary on
Sunday 10th July. Children and Young
People (During term time) Contacts;
If you think there may be a mistake in the rota please contact your Churchwarden. July
3rd 6th Sunday after Trinity
10th 7th Sunday after Trinity
- VE and VJ 60th Anniversary Sunday and Sea Sunday
17th 8th Sunday after Trinity
24th 9th Sunday after Trinity
31st 10th Sunday after Trinity
The preacher at this service will be Gavin Stone, Diocesan Youth Worker -very lively and enthusiastic. After the service we will have a 'bring and share' picnic -so bring some food and share with others and have a great time of fellowship together -hopefully in the sunshine. |
Page last updated: 25-Feb-2009 |
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