The Link Magazine
Linking the villages of - Somersham, Willisham, Offton and Flowton - Suffolk
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August and September 2002 From our Vicar Dear Reader, The only time when the rest of us had to worry about bread was when the petrol tankers didn't keep the supermarket distribution network afloat. That was a sobering reminder of our dependence on oil. Harvest-time is our annual reminder of our dependence on God. 'He
makes grass grow for the cattle, For the three months before I moved to Suffolk, I visited farmers and growers during my study leave. I asked them about their land, which varied from 2ft. below sea-level to 1,000ft. above, ranging from East to West, from fen to forest and moorland, and also the apple orchards and dairy farms of the South West. Markets were just beginning to re-open and the sight of the occasional deserted farmyard was poignant. Yet the people I met
were able to tell me how they are only in this place for a while, but
this same land will continue to yield for future generations. They have
a joy in the quality of the food they produce, and a pride in being able
to maintain its supply to the rest of us. They know how dependent we all
are on the length of daylight for growing, the seasons for preparing the
soil and planting and harvesting. Much of this is beyond our control. May he give us humble,
thankful hearts.
After a summer of
lovely outings we are not yet properly 'at home' because this month we
accept the kind invitation of Somersham Baptist Women's meeting to join
with them for their special anniversary service. This will be on Friday,
13th September at 2.30 pm and all are welcome.
Please note the change of pattern of services for August. Our Harvest Festival service will be on Sunday 15th September at 10am. Any gifts that you care to bring along will be taken to the Women's Refuge in Ipswich. They are always most grateful for these donations. We hope that all who are off on their summer holidays have a very pleasant break, manage to find some sun and come back refreshed - safe travelling! Good luck to all the young people waiting for their exam results, those going on to High School next term or going away to university or college for the first time in September / October. Well done to those who have just completed their degree courses and are embarking on new careers. Have you put the date of the Summer Garden Party / Fete in your diaries yet? It's on Saturday 31st August. There will be transport to and from the fete at Park Farm House for those who would find walking up the hill difficult. Please let Pat Woolhouse, Christine Jarrold or any PCC member have any donations to stalls, raffle, etc. A Harvest Supper will be held on Friday 20th September in Somersham Village Hall, when we hope friends from the other seven parishes of the benefice as well as Somersham will spend an enjoyable evening together.
The time has come, once again, to have the boxes belonging to the above Society emptied. Could box holders please, either drop them in to Sam Copping at 5 Middlewood Cottages, Offton before 30th September 2002 or take them to any Harvest Festival Service at Offton, Flowton, Willisham and Somersham where Sam will collect them. If you need your box collecting from your home please ring Sam on 01473 657037 to make arrangements. The Society is extremely grateful for all your efforts in filling your boxes as without you there would be no Society and very worthwhile, essential work for the country's children could not be carried out. Community Policing
Hello, With the summer holidays upon us now, please ensure you know where your children are at all times. Please ensure they are aware of all the dangers when playing near river, ponds, playing fields, etc. If they are using their cycles, please encourage them to wear their cycle helmets -even though it is not against the law to ride without, it is for their safety to wear a helmet when on a bike. Thank-you to you all for supporting me at all the local fêtes, including Ringshall School, Somersham School, Crow Hall at Willisham and Baylham. I look forward to seeing you at Barking Fête on August 3rd. Have you heard of 'shoulder surfing'? Well, please be aware if you are using a cash machine that the person standing behind may be watching you enter your 'pin number'. These people then steal your card from you and make several withdrawals within a few minutes before you realise your card has even been stolen. Please be careful. May I thank all Mums, Dads, Neighbour Hood Watch Co-ordinators and teachers who helped run the cycle courses at Ringshall and Somersham Schools. You will be pleased to know that we had 100% pass rate at both schools. Thank-you to you all for taking part. On Friday 6th June I received five separate sightings of a very large cat -possibly a panther -in the Offton and Great Bricett area. Yes, I hear you laughing, but we are treating these sightings as genuine. If you see anything similar, please phone 999 -don't panic as this animal will be more scared than you. Due to all your hard work we have really been crime free except for an attempted burglary at a house in Willisham during the month of May. Please report everything to the Police, however minor, because I cannot do anything unless I know. Once again, thank you for all your hard work. Keep safe. Somersham Parish Council
Being a Councillor for the Parish Council allows you to help shape the future for the village and improve everyday life for everyone in the village, if you have time, then please apply to be a councillor. If you wish to find out about these vacancies or apply then please contact the Clerk to the Council. Directory of Clubs
and Societies Parish Council
Vacancies Being a Councillor for the Parish Council allows you to help shape the future for the village and improve everyday life for everyone in the village, if you have time, then please apply to be a councillor. If you wish to find out about these vacancies or apply then please contact the Clerk to the Council. Directory
of Clubs and Societies · Name of club
or society We would also like to create an on-line version of this list, if you do not wish to appear on the on-line list please let us know when you send in your details. The community Action Plan asked various questions on the types of clubs wanted by people in the village. Many people replied with clubs such as an art club, drama club and various sports clubs for the children. If you wish to look into setting up groups like this then please contact the Clerk. Village Good Neighbour
Scheme A Good Neighbour scheme can mean many things to many people. Therefore I am seeking the views of the residents of Somersham, both young and old, as to the types of services that could be required and more importantly delivered by the community itself. Other villages have established similar schemes that: · Provide the
link between those villagers needing help and those who are willing to
offer it.
· Village residents
form a small co-ordinating group to run the scheme. With the best will in the world, family and friends cannot always offer appropriate help when it is most needed. · Could you
do with some help now and again? I would welcome your views, and if you feel you could benefit from or could contribute to such a scheme, please feel free to contact me. This information, on a Good Neighbour Scheme, was prepared by Chris Turnock, on behalf of the Parish Council. If you wish to contact him the details follow: Address: 'The Pightle',
Church Lane, Somersham, IP8 4PN Watering Close
Pond Community
Action Plan - Progress Next
Parish Council Meeting We are about half way through the Summer League and have to report mixed fortunes so far, as the results below show. The mats we bowl on in the Village Hall are very good and with the excellent new floor make it that much easier to get a good result, not all teams are as lucky in that some floors are not quite as flat so we have to work much harder when visiting other venues in order to try and win. But wherever we go we receive a very warm welcome. So anyone out there who would like to try their hand at bowls would be most welcome to come and have a go. Results for May
to July 2002 -Sumnmer League
Give Bell or Keith a ring on 01473 831157 and come and see us. FLOWTON NEWS THANK
YOU! Suffolk Historic
Churches Trust -which has helped Flowton with grants, has its annual
cycle/walk on Saturday September 14th. Could you walk or cycle, or sponsor
someone else to do so? 50% of the funds raised by our folk are returned
to Flowton Church. Sponsor forms and details of churches open will be
placed in the church porch. The Harvest / Autumn Supper will take place on Friday November 8th at Flowton Hall (by kind invitation of Graham and Diana Fawcus) -more details later. ****************************** ******************************* Patchwork and Quilting Patchwork and quilting classes will continue in Flowton Church Vestry during the Autumn and Winter. A variety of projects are being planned. If you are interested please contact Mary Carter on 01473 658522 for more details.
Dates to remember and a correction! Saturday
14th September You can be sponsored to cycle round the churches of Suffolk (or beyond) and the money raised is shared between the Trust and the church of your choice. Financial help is given by the SHCT to help with the repair of churches throughout the county and Offton is one that has benefited on several occasions. If you do not wish to cycle maybe you would like a good walk on that day. Most (if not all) the churches in Ipswich and other towns will be open to sign sponsorship forms between 10 am and 6 pm. Sunday
15 September This annual whist
drive in aid of Church funds starts promptly at 7.30 pm refreshments are
served. The biggest meeting
for the Stars last month was against mighty Southampton in the British
Team Championship. Probably the strongest side in the country, featuring
British and World champions, they were always expected to win, although
Somersham worked hard to make it as difficult as possible. It was their
first visit and they seemed to enjoy the raceway and The Stars should have found the clash against Kesgrave easier but a series of on-track mistakes made for a disappointing 72-108 defeat. Poor gating was our downfall and Gary Brown our only race winner. We also lost the meeting against Gt. Blakenham, 77-102, but this was a much better effort, with the Copping brothers Steve and Barry giving some top names a run for their money. We finally picked up another win after a close and somewhat controversial encounter at Eaton. The home side were short of riders but did have the referee on their side! This was a good team effort with the Stars finding the Eaton circuit to their liking, winning 82-85. Unfortunately Peter Mittell took a heavy tumble when challenged from behind, and picked up leg and shoulder injuries as well as writing off another helmet. Away from league racing the first round of the East Anglian Grand Prix took place at Colchester with several Somersham riders taking part. Andy Turnbull took the Under-10 honours while Andy Mittell rode well for second in the Under-16 group. This pair also took 4th in the Suffolk Junior Pairs series. The next meeting at Somersham is August 4 against Hawbush at 11:00 while on August 10 the British Under-19 championship takes place at nearby Gt. Blakenham. (01473) 831474
members are very welcome. The Golden Link is running a coach to Clacton on Friday 20th September leaving the bus shelter at 10 am and returning at 4pm from Clacton. This coach is adapted for easy access and to take wheelchairs. We have about 20 spare seats available. Please contact Joy on 831823 or Betty on 748279, or any Golden Link member, if you would like to join us. Betty Game Benefice Choir The Choir will be
meeting in September to practise for the Harvest services. Practices take
place in Flowton Vestry at 7.30pm and have been arranged for Tuesday 10th
and 14th September. WILLISHAM CHURCH NOTES August Services Sponsored Bicycle
Ride Dates for your
diary Fireworks and Bondfire evening arranged for Friday the 1st November at Crow Hall. Details of this year's fete will appear in the next issue of The Link.
By the time you read these notes, our summer term will have finished, hopefully with a BBQ and video evening. In addition to the normal badge and journey work, we went to the Ipswich Gang Show, walked (in the rain) to Nettlestead Church, for a Teddy Bear's picnic and had a pond dipping and bird watching evening. We also joined approximately 100 other Brownies and Rainbows at Castle Farm, Offton for a Jubilee Street Party, which included treasure hunts, a bouncy castle and parachute games. Our thanks to Anne and Paul Chapman for providing such an ideal venue. Our new term will begin in September and we have spaces for new recruits, aged 7-10. For further details contact Frances Gilson on 01473 658387. HADLEIGH CHORAL SOCIETY The new term's rehearsals will begin on Tuesday 3rd September at 7.30 - 9.30pm in the Drama Hall, Hadleigh High School, for a concert, which will be preformed on Saturday 23rd November. Whilst the ability to read music is desirable, no auditions are required. The autumn term's concert has an Italian theme with Monteverdi's Beautus Vir, Puccini's Messa di Gloria and a selection fromVerdi's Four Sacred Pieces being performed. The spring term will move from Italy to England for a performance of Alan Ridout's Canticle of Joy and Elgar's Music Makers, on Saturday 12th April, 2003. If you are interested in joining us, please contact the Secretary, Peter Sankey (tel: 01473 822872).
4th Trinity 10
August 11th Trinity 11
August 18th Trinity 12
August 25th Trinity 13
September 1st Trinity14
8th Trinity 15
September 15th Trinity16
September 22nd Trinity 17
September 29th Trinity 18/Michaelmas
Page last updated: 25-Feb-2009 |
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