The Link Magazine
Linking the villages of - Somersham, Willisham, Offton and Flowton - Suffolk
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Somersham Church Notes The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place in the church on Tuesday 8th April at 7.45pm. All those on the electoral roll are invited to attend. There will be a report on the Trivia Quiz next month, as copy date is before it takes place. Christian Aid Week is 11th - 17th May. In Somersham we are going to distribute the envelopes with the May Link magazines. You can then take your contribution to the village shop, Christine Jarrold (hairdresser's or house), Colin Mayes or Mary Fagg. We hope this system will work well, and thank the magazine distributors for also delivering the envelopes. The Flower Festival
& Open Gardens Weekend 2003 - We have had a good response so far
to requests for open gardens, help in decorating the church and entertainment
for the Cheese& Wine evening, but could do with more! It will take
place over the weekend of 5th and 6th July 2003, with the Cheese and Wine
evening on the Friday. Please let Pat Woolhouse or Christine Jarrold know
if you can help in any way to make this event a big success.
FRENCH VISIT TO SOMERSHAM ~ 1 - 4 MAY, 2003 We are pleased to have confirmation from our friends in Challain-la-Potherie that their visit to us will take place 1-4 May. Following our last two very successful exchanges, and much contact in between, we look forward to receiving them. They plan to arrive here on Thursday evening, having taken a trip around London on the way to Somersham and visit Cambridge on the Friday. They will spend Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday with their Somersham hosts and then return home on the Sunday. We, for our part, have social events planned for them in the village when we can all get together, renew old friendships and welcome new ones. If you wish to be involved in any way, or are willing to host our visitors, please contact: Gill Fordham: 831529
David Haughton: 831511
Only three matches played since my last report and not very encouraging results. The 1st Team's only game was on 1sst March when we entertained Tattingstone. We took a 2-goal lead in less than ½ hour and looked very comfortable. Then the "Somersham Benevolent Society" took over. One bad defensive lapse and three examples of not being able to defend set pieces saw us lose four soft goals. We did manage to score one more goal ourselves, but lost 3-4. We still have seven games to play. We are third from bottom, but we certainly have the players and ability to finish the season in a mid table position. The Reserves beat 3rd Division East Bergholt 'A' 2-1 in a cup match, showing that there is plenty of encouragement there, but then on 1st March, also in a cup match against Dennington Reserves, lost 3-6. Once again, our inability to defend set pieces let us down. The Reserves now look doomed to relegation. With only six games to go we're bottom of the league, eight points behind the third from bottom team. It is still possible to recover the situation, but it's going to be a real uphill task. It may all seem pretty
gloomy, but in reality it isn't. The vast majority of our players are
youngsters in their first season of adult football. Quite a few of them
have been signed on during the season, and will need time to integrate
into the teams. All the youngsters need time to adjust to the more robust
game they find themselves in. Training this season has been encouraging.
Previous seasons have seen training sessions terminate before Christmas
due to lack of interest, but 16 - 20 are still turning up for the Tuesday
evening sessions. We have sufficient players to field two teams each Saturday,
plus subs, and team spirit is excellent. Our present situation isn't too
good, but our prospects for the future look rosy, especially if our present
crop of players stick together and we can recruit one or two more players
for key positions. Dennis Mumby
Our next meeting is on April 14th at 7.30pm in Somersham Village Hall, when Karen Kenny will tell us about the magic mysteries of herbs. Why not join us for an informative and amusing evening? £1 for non-members. We meet on the 2nd Monday each month. In May we will visit the gardens at "A Place for Plants" (7.30pm) and in June the gardens of Willisham (7.30pm). For more information
please contact Sheila Welsh (01473 657345). SOMERSHAM PARISH COUNCIL Website: New
Councillors Richard Browne Thank you both for volunteering your services. There is still one councillor post available on the Parish Council, anyone wishing to know more information should contact the Clerk, contact details at the end. ******************* ******************* Suffolk Accident
and Rescue Service (SARS) ******************* If you run a club or society or are a local contact for a national organisation and would like an entry in the directory, please provide the following details to the parish clerk: · Name of club
or society An on-line version of this directory is already available for you to add your entry. Please visit for more details. ******************* Tel: 01449 616000 Or view Safety and Security - You will have noticed that the footpath from the Village Hall to the rest of the village has finally been completed. The Parish Council was in constant contact with Suffolk County Council about this, and after all of the final details were sorted out it got underway. Thanks also to Ros Scott, out County Councillor, who also helped in getting things sorted. ******************* There has been a change of venue for our next meeting on Wednesday 7th May 2003, this is to allow the Clerk to give a presentation on the community websites, and will also allow parishioners to give their views of the sites, including suggestions for improvements and other features. We want as many people as possible to come to the meeting on the 7th May 2003, as this is you chance to air your views about the parish. The Annual Parish Meeting does not involve the councillors sitting on the council giving their reports, it involves the people of the parish giving their views, problems and suggestions. The Parish can only function properly if the people of the Parish get involved, so please come along to the: Annual Parish and
Annual Parish Council Meetings The following meeting will be on Wednesday 2nd July 2003 at 7.30pm in the Pavilion. Andrew
I wonder
if Christ had a big black dog I'm
afraid that He didn't because I have read And
I am sure that the big black dog Would
have licked the dear fingers in agony clasped
6th April Lent
5 Purple 13th April
Palm Sunday Red 20th April
Easter Day White or Gold 27th April
Second Sunday of Easter White ************************************** LENT 2003 There is the opportunity
to join in a candlelit meditative service on These simple, peaceful, candlelit services include prayers, short Bible readings, the singing of repeated chants, and periods of silence for meditation and personal prayer; worshippers can take part in the service or are welcome to just sit and let it 'wash over them'. At the end we play restful music and people leave silently as they are ready. If you are interested and wish to know more, please speak to Reverend Linden Fletcher, or phone Mary Carter on 658522 Welcome to: May she continue to grow in strength and faith Farewell to: May she rest in peace FLOWTON NEWS
(The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will already have been held in March) The next Flowton
Miscellany Evening will take place on Saturday July 26th at 7.00pm. Details about tickets should have appeared in this magazine, but However, please do book the date in your diary and look out for posters with more details! Regular Patchwork and Quilting sessions happen in Flowton Vestry. Ring Mary on 01473 658522 if you would like to come and see what the different ladies are working on -both by machine and by hand. Somersham Primary School Have you seen the children walking about in their new uniforms? They can now choose from Navy blue, red, yellow or green; it seems from early indications that the navy and red are the favourites. We have lost the "Wise Old Owl" from the front and now have the village sign as the badge. Since the last copy of the Link we have had a wonderful assembly by Year Six. It was based on their history lesson and was all about Queen Victoria and Victorian times The children dressed up in period costume and looked wonderful. We were all very impressed. Well done Miss Knowles and the children. We have also had a visit from the East Anglian Times. Year Five are to do a project in conjunction with I.C.I. at Stowmarket. They are going on a visit to the factory and then produce an advertisement for the paper about it. How exciting! Look forward to seeing that in print. We have celebrated World Book Day with the children dressing up as their favourite book character, no doubt lots of photos will have been taken! We also raised money for Comic Relief by having a non uniform day when the children had to pay a 50p fine and had a "penny race". The children had to bring in pennies, make a line with them and see which class had brought in the most!! Good fun, or what? KEEP THOSE TOKENS COMING. THANKS. F.O.S.S. Hope you have had a chance to read the classes we have drawn up for the 'Flower show". We really would like to think you will be happy with them and have a go at lots of things. Don't forget, the Summer Fair isn't until June 28th, so you have lots of time to prepare. Each class will have a 30p entrance fee, with one entry per person per class. Entry forms with further details and where to get them will be in next months issue of the Link. Actually we are quite looking forward to the Fair with this new addition. As you can imagine most of our efforts at the moment are directed toward the Summer Fair as it is of course our largest fund raiser of the year, but that doesn't stop us doing smaller things like a Beetle Drive and a cake stall. Every little helps us reach our targets. The Valentines Disco was reasonably well attended, but everyone who did attended really enjoyed themselves. It was a good night, the beer was cold, and the disco excellent, so make it a date the next time! Talking of discos, it is the children's turn at the end of the school term. These are always well attended and enjoyed. So far, although it's not a fund raiser as such, we have always made a few pounds for the fund which makes it even better. Watch out for more info on the "Flower Show" next month!
Easter Workshop: there will be a workshop in church on Friday and Saturday April 18th and 19th from 10 - 12 noon open to all interested young people. Activities will include working with clay and making the Easter garden for the church. Further details from Joy Williams 01473 430364 or Lucy Vignoles 01473 658480 Festival of Talents: The Festival of Talents will take place on Sunday May 11th at 4pm in Offton Church. If there is anyone who would like to take part by singing, playing an instrument or reciting, do please let me know. Paul (01473 658325) Advance notice! Sunday May 24th Dedication of the new building at the church by Archdeacon Terry Gibson at 11 am. Church fete on Saturday 21st June Are you having a Spring turn-out of cupboards? If there is anything suitable for the bric-a -brac or book stalls we would be pleased to receive it. We are also looking for contributions to the plant stall from our keen gardeners. Friday 11th July - Barn Dance at Castle Farm Barn with the Jigsaws.
St Mary's Church, Offton Have you ever wondered... How old our church is or who was the founder of it? Who kept it in good (or not so good) order over the years? Who the vicars were and other colourful characters? Here's your chance to find out.
FOUND Ring found in Castle
Road on Tuesday Feb 4.
are pleased to report
that the interior of the main hall has been redecorated and is looking
much cleaner and brighter. We hope to decorate the bar area and Ladies
toilets in the near future.
Somersham CSC A recent track work session means we now have a hard standing area for the pits, and with a coat of paint on the kerbs, the circuit is looking smarter. The pit area was quite an achievement as none of the members really knew what they were doing! The season is now getting into gear and the tapes go up first at Whitton, Ipswich and the first round of the CBL East Anglian Grand Prix, a competition the Stars have traditionally done well in. The Ipswich club have recently reformed, enabling many more youngsters to experience the sport. Suffolk is possibly the strongest county in the land with 4 local clubs boasting some of the country's most experienced stars and promising juniors. Somersham compete primarily as a team in the South-East league, but with clubs as far-afield as Exeter in the South-West and Scotia in Edinburgh there is a variety of additional meetings for riders who wish to travel. Conversely, there is plenty of racing locally with events for riders of all ages. The Somersham club is affiliated with all the organisations from the Suffolk Association through to the British Cycling Federation, so members can compete in the racing that suits them best. Membership of the BCF also has additional benefits such as third party insurance and eligibility for all types of cycle sport. The first action on the Somersham circuit is when Hawbush visit on April 13 at 11:00. Last year's clash ended in a draw, and we are hopeful of finding some new talent to complete the squad and tip the balance. Contacts (01473) 831474
'Locked out' I think that similar pride and shame are the reason that Easter does not share the public appeal of another Christian festival, Christmas. The crucifixion of Jesus Son of God advertises our own inability to be at one with God. We are all locked out. Jesus alone can put us right with God the Father. Mel Gibson has a film yet to be released called 'The Passion', it focuses on the final hours of the life of Jesus. Already interested parties are preparing a response to the film. One such response raises the concern that the film may encourage Anti-Semitism by portraying the Jewish people as responsible for the death of Jesus. The New Testament leaves us with no doubt, we cannot blame others he died so that we might be forgiven. I managed to get in without Bob, some self esteem intact. But I know I will not manage without Jesus, to be released from the guilt of my sin, to be fit for God is something only Jesus can do. I must trust and follow him. Regular
* Junior Church
for School Years 1-6. Contacts;
April 3rd April 6th Lent 5
April 13th Palm Sunday
17th Maundy Thursday
18th Good Friday
19th Holy Saturday
27th Second Sunday of Easter
May 4th Third Sunday of Easter - probable services
"Children's hospice? that must be such a depressing place - all those children waiting to die. Horrible." A typical reaction when 'children's hospice' is mentioned? Maybe, but not, thankfully, an accurate description. There are three children's hospices in our region, all run by East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH) - at Milton, Cambridgeshire, Quidenham, Norfolk and Ipswich, Suffolk. EACH is a registered charity and aims to maximise the quality of life for life-limited children and their families. A life-limited child is one who is not expected to reach adulthood. Ipswich's Children's Hospice is quite separate from St Elizabeth's or St Nicholas's adult hospice in terms of funding and the care it offers, for the needs of the children and the families are different from that of adults. We need you help but, as well as donations, your active support as a volunteer helping to raise funds and telling others about the work of EACH. You can even help by donating obsolete and foreign coins, spent inkjet and laser printer cartridges and unwanted/old mobile phones. There is an active Friends Group in the area and for an informal chat about activities and the ways in which you could help us, please call Sue Sykes on 01473 737757.
The past, like the
present, was never a straightforward affair, and just like today, conflict
and concerns have always been present. Indeed, here in our Christian Church,
history has witnessed many twists and turns. For example, I am sure at
some time we have all learnt about Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries,
together with the move of our Church from Rome to our own Church of England.
In the succeeding years Nonconformist Churches also developed. A church however, whether beautiful or simple, is only a building. A congregation worshipping within and working without, whilst being engaged in useful employment with other denominations is perhaps the key. Together, maybe we can do our little bit towards a more peaceful world, as well as enabling increased unity amongst ourselves. Just now, we are excited by an Anglican-Methodist Covenant committed to a closer collaboration between our two churches. With our past shared history, we pray this work will continue. At the moment, our beautiful world appears weighted down with many concerns and uncertainties. We pray at this Easter time for reconciliation and peace everywhere. Moreover, unlike Eliot's seemingly purposeless events, we look forward to continuity and a positive transformation here on earth. Happy Easter, Mary Fagg. |
Page last updated: 25-Feb-2009 |
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