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Linking the villages of - Somersham, Willisham, Offton and Flowton - Suffolk
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April 2002 In the absence of a letter from our Rural Dean, we are reproducing an article from "The Murray News", the diocesan newsletter of the Murray Anglican Church of Australia, which Margaret Laflin read when she was there earlier this year. An outdated Custom? Who remembers 'Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts .' or whatever form, high, low, middle or even comic there used to be. Saying grace at meals faded with the formal dining pattern when families sat down together. Fast food came in and a general loss over a century or so of the sense of God the Provider. Grace at meals persists at church functions, of course, and as a quaint archaism in some schools and colleges, but the widespread return of the custom seems unlikely. In all things give thanks, wrote Paul in Ephesians 5.20. Knowing one's dependence and feeling gratitude to God was probably never easy to sustain. It is very hard in this age. But we Christians are committed to it. The Father's love for us is eternal and all embracing. Being aware of it in connection with food and drink always came most readily, and so attracted the formal acknowledgement. Sadly though, grace
at meals has gone with oil-lamps and nutmeg graters, and it will not come
back in our time. We might, however, think hard about the place of such
domestic rituals in family religion, and possibly design others. 'The
family that prays together stays together' - or so they say! Our Jewish
friends have kept their faith alive through hideous adversity, in large
part by loyalty to the home church and its ceremonies.
April 7th White April 14th White April 21st White April 28th White *********************************************** May she grow in faith **************************************** Farewell to: Rest eternal grant unto her, O Lord *************************************************
will be holding a Jumble / Spring Sale on
May 14th Open from 12 noon to receive any items which will be gratefully received
Each year, around Easter, the Annual Parochial Church Council Meetings are held, preceded by the election of Churchwardens. Everybody on the civil electoral roll is entitled to vote at this election, although only regular communicant Church members who are on the Church electoral roll may be elected as churchwardens. At the Annual Meetings there are reports and accounts presented for scrutiny, and new Council Members are elected. This year also we have to elect new representatives to the Deanery Synod-1 from each parish. The Church Electoral Rolls are being revised-closing dates are 15 days before the Annual Meetings. Dates for the Annual
If there is enough
interest I am hoping to go for a walk It will be about 5½ miles, getting back to Derrick Hill about 8.30pm for a cup of tea and light refreshments. Hopefully we will see deer and other wildlife, also hear the nightingale. A friend, Richard Last, has agreed to come with me to help as a leader. We will make a charge of £5 and all proceeds will go to Willisham Church. We will go whatever the weather so suitable clothing and footwear is 'a must'. If you are interested please ring John on Ipswich 658352 "Well before the day".
Link" The Radio Suffolk team arrived at the village hall together with what seemed like miles of cabling etc. followed by the broadcasters and an excited audience. The questioners were chosen from members who had submitted their gardening questions beforehand. They were then seated along the front row of the audience and off we went with cued applause and a brief conversation about Somersham and the Club. Then the questions began and the jokes flowed in between sound gardening advice from the panel of experts. Thanks to all involved
we put together a really interesting radio programme with the Radio Suffolk
team, which was broadcast in February. Special thanks to Sheila Welsh
ably assisted by husband Jeff for co-ordinating everything and to all
the helpers in the kitchen, organising the raffle etc. Our next meeting will
be on Monday 8th April 7.30pm. We will hold a very brief AGM followed
by a talk on "Alpine & Rockery Plants" by expert Chris Wheeler. Why not join us? New
members are very welcome. Dates and notes: Monday April 15th -Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting at 7.45pm in the Vestry- come and help elect the churchwardens for the coming year. Wednesday April 24th-Annual Parish Meeting-in the Vestry-come and elect officials and hear the reports on the last year and plans for the coming year. Flower Festival and
Gardens Open June 29th and 30th
CHURCH NEWS We have now received planning permission and agreement from English Heritage for the design and construction of the proposed extension to take place. The plans may be seen in the Church. An application for
a faculty has recently been lodged with the Diocesan Advisory Committee
and we are hopeful this will soon be granted. We can then go out to tender
and with good fortune make a start on the work before too long. It is
now two and a half years since Harry Crick died. It was a very generous
legacy from Harry that made it possible to entertain this work. Don't forget the Annual Church Meeting in Offton and Willisham Village Hall on Tuesday 30th April at 7 pm when the Church wardens will be elected.
WILLISHAM CHURCH NOTES Annual Church Meetings Church Fete Coffee Morning Bonfire Evening
men or service women in the District? Contact: Mr. E.Burroughs
01473 831679
The Somersham Stars are looking forward to their first meeting - a home league clash on April 7 against Eaton at 11:00. Why not pop along and watch the action? A few cheers are surely worth a couple of points! It is an exciting time as the riders will be able to measure how effective all the pre-season training has been. And there has been plenty! Practice sessions have been held on Sunday mornings, with a mix of technique, fitness and team building exercises. You might even have seen the squad running round the village! Team manager Pete
Williamson may have trouble selecting the team with very little to choose
between some riders, but to help identify the How quickly do you think you could do 4 laps? If you think there are no activities in Somersham come along to our next session and enjoy one of the most exciting. See how your time stacks up against the team. You'll be most welcome. If you'd like some
more information on the club or the sport in general
will be holding a Giant
Book Sale Saturday 13th April 8.00am-4.00pm in Great Blakenham Village Hall Food and refreshments served all day! Donations
may be left in carrier bags at
Council News March
31st Easter Day
April 7th Second Sunday of Easter
April 14th Third Sunday of Easter
April 21st Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 28th Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 5th Sixth Sunday of Easter
We very much look forward to welcoming Rev. Linden Fletcher to Somersham, along with the other 7 parishes in the "new" benefice. Rev. Fletcher will be licensed on Thursday 27th June at 7.30pm in Barking Church. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Tuesday 23rd April in St Mary's Church, Somersham at 7.45 pm. All on the Church Electoral Roll are invited to attend. Repairs to the SW corner of the church should be well under way (if not completed!) by the time you read this. It will be good to have the full area of the church in use again. There will be a Spring Fair on Saturday 13th April from 10 till 12. See the advert for more details. Any donations for the stalls would be much appreciated. Eleven teams took part in a very enjoyable Trivia Quiz Night on 8th March. Our grateful thanks to Rohais for compiling the questions and being quizmaster, to Rohais's mum for helping her out on the evening, and to Nina and Doreen for organising the raffle. Thanks also to everyone who came along to the evening or gave a donation. After expenses the event raised just over £150, 10% of which will go to Suffolk Respite. The Christmas "ant" Quiz: over 30 entries were sent in for the quiz. The winners, with 44 out of 50 correct answers, were David & Rohais Haughton, proving that they're not only experts at quizzes about cars! Well done to them and thanks to everyone else who entered or bought a quiz sheet. Several entrants were "near misses" with 43 out of 50 right. Over £100 was raised for church funds. Our appreciation to Sue Taylor who allowed us to use the quiz. St
Mary's Church Somersham on
Saturday 13th April Cakes
White elephant Donations to any stalls would be much appreciated
Three more defeats
for the 1st Team: 0-6, 0-6 and 0-5. That makes 18 straight defeats in
the league and certainly means that we'll be playing in Division 3 next
season. Dennis Mumby Up close and personal
with Jesus. All three sessions
will be held at the Baptist Chapel in Chapel Lane, Somersham and will
begin at 10.45am with Coffee and will finish at 12.00am. Sunday Meetings. Junior Church 10.45AM Every Sunday for School Years 1-6. Ladies Meetings Children and Young
People (Held during term time) Advance notice: An
evening with Derek Jefferson (yes the Derek Jefferson, Ex Town Footballer)
at the Barking Fox on Monday 13th May, to book a place contact Mark. As Spring approaches,
our thoughts turn to "Summer Hanging Baskets". Be inspired by
our Speaker, Mrs. B. Durrance who will be demonstrating this art to the
Somersham W.I. on April 8th at Somersham Village Hall 7:30PM. On April 29th in the
Main Hall, we will be serving a finger buffet and our Guest Speaker is
Mavis Davis, telling us about her years as a Rolls Royce chauffeur. Please
book early as this is a Group Meeting and numbers are limited to 150.
Visitors £2.50 It promises to be be a grand evening so please call:
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